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mark twain

he lived in hanible a small town with nothing much there.

old writer that lived in the day he was a pimp

by johny November 19, 2004

23👍 62👎

Mark Twain MS

This middle school, is gay asf. It’s not gay because of the kids, but because of the people who teach there. They all give eachother head when the students aren’t looking.

Person 1: Have you heard about that one gay school
Person 2: Are you talking about Mark Twain MS? That school is gay ashiii

by boigirlheadapple November 10, 2019

Mark Twain Middle School

This word is used to describe schools that are full of rich people who are immature, basic, and pretend to be ghetto.

I go to SUCH a Mark Twain Middle School.

by FronkingIsAnExtremeSport April 18, 2019

Mark Twain Middle School

Kind of not a good place to be. A lot of fronkers. There’s a fronking team.

You know that fRoNkEr? Yeah, doesn’t she go to Mark Twain Middle School?
Of course!

by Yuckyduckfronking April 18, 2019

2👍 1👎