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A matrimonial state as defined by:

1) Females: "Marriage is the opportunity for two souls to be legally bound together so that they can share their innermost thoughts and feelings while creating the most perfect life together."

2) Males: "Wow, a chick to take care of me like my mother used to - but with the added bonus of sex!"

See marriage definition above.

by Loxi July 19, 2009

893πŸ‘ 326πŸ‘Ž


the beginning of the end.

Oh boy, hes getting married, our thoughts and prayers go out to him.

by stephen mathews June 18, 2004

2296πŸ‘ 876πŸ‘Ž


The point at which the friendship with your sweetheart ends and becomes a business relationship.

The point at which you stop having fun and take on responsibility for yourself and your new wife.

The end of your life as you once knew it.

Marriage is a lot like playing cards.

You start out giving a heart and a diamond, and end up wishing for a club and a spade.

by Markwonder January 11, 2011

68πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


The triumph of imagination over intelligence.

Please don't ask me about my marriage.

by Ecliptic November 22, 2003

827πŸ‘ 332πŸ‘Ž


For many, the phase of a relationship in which delight turns to disappointment and romance turns to resentment. Then she turns to her girlfriends and he turns to drink. Presently they turn on each other. He turns to a mistress, she to a divorce lawyer. Their home turns into hers but their mortgage turns into his. The sons turn into junkies, the daughters into teenage moms. And that's the bright side, because in many cases that's as close to a turn-on as marriage gets. Unless you're very, very, VERRRRY careful, and willing to wait and wait and WAAAAIIIIIIT for a truly exceptional person to enter your life, AND for real love between you to grow. A marriage founded on that rock-solid basis still has only a 50/50 chance of success (i.e. boredom) or failure (i.e. the tragedy described above), because marriage often changes people, leaving you shackled to a stranger. Yet that's as good as life's going to get, kid. Suddenly the Navy doesn't sound so bad, does it?

Marriage should only be attempted by those blessed with incredible luck.

by Stranded in Paradise February 6, 2008

143πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


1)The root cause of divorce.
2)The most successful wealth transfer scheme ever invented.
3)A contract-that if presented to you by an agent/lawyer-would
be sufficient grounds for a legal malpractice suit.
4)One sure way that the state can stay involved in your
5)The point at which regular good sex stops...and infrequent
sex for procreation,manipulation,and/or passive-aggressive
destruction begins.
6)An institution that should be scrapped in favor of 1-3-5
year contracts...Not that you'll be any happier.

Marriage is wonderful.I can see why gay couples want to share in the experience.

by L.MARTIN July 5, 2006

582πŸ‘ 234πŸ‘Ž


Of an age suitable for marriage, especially used to refer to a woman at the beginning of her childbearing years; nubile.

For most of recorded history in Asia, Africa, and Europe, men could be considered marriageable at 14 years and women at 12 years, although usually both parties had to be physically mature enough to consummate the marriage.

The bride is usually between 12-25 years of age, traditionally; depending on where and when the setting is, a bride 18 years of age can be seen as too young, too old, or perfectly marriageable; Ancient Greeks and Ancient Romans and Ancient Hebrews, like much of Africa and South Asia today, wanted to marry their daughters off before she gave into physical temptation and had sex before she was married. Vikings, on the other hand, preferred a bride closer to age 20, in full bloom.
The groom, on the other hand, can be any age from a few years younger than the bride to roughly her age to at least a decade older than her.

Until recently, the quinceaΓ±era and sweet sixteen parties marked a young woman's entry into adulthood and marriageable age; now that so few women are married that early, both have lost some meaning and degenerated into excess.

by Lorelili October 26, 2013

16πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž