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Mars Bars

A little munchkin with a facial expressions of a demon; Little scene kid.

"Did you see the little fuckin mars bars in the movie?!"
"That mars bars scared me poopless"
"Don't let your children grow up to be a Mars Bars"

by Katie Uchiha January 18, 2008

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mars bar

ed carrick a tanned friend of mine

hey mars bar come here

by efe February 2, 2004

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"mars bar"

The area between the anus and the scrotum. Good for sniffing and licking.

I'd like to sniff your "mars bar"!

by Brian S Smith July 9, 2007

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mars bar

the thing in my hoodie pocket

by lol September 16, 2003

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mars bar

A disgusting, revolting ,shitty snack that is loved by jerks and retards

Jerk: mmmmm mars bar

by jj September 28, 2003

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Mars Bar Surprise

The art of shitting into a condom, freezing it, then inserting it into another persons anus during coitus.

Person 1: You'll never guess what I did last night..
Person 2: What was that?
Person 1: I gave the missus a Mars Bar Surprise.

by farmer01631 July 7, 2012

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Mars bar

also known as "Mars and Venus", cockney slang for a penis, a male sexual organ

I ain't sucking on that tiny Mars bar

by roos_va June 13, 2004

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