The PC version of a multiplatform video game.
What are you doing playing Skyrim on PS3? Get the Master Race edition, it has much better graphics and you can mod the hell out of it, you filthy console peasant.
A facetious term used to claim the superiority of gamers who use personal computers, coined by comedian and video game critic Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw. Generally used to mock people who take the PC-console divide far too seriously.
Often contrasted against "dirty console peasants", an equally jocular term.
"Consoles are so much better than you PC nerds. You can like, hook them up to TVs instead of just monitors."
"Except you can totally do that. PC master race, buy an HDMI cable noob."
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Furiously masterbating before your significant other gets in the room.
While my wife was in the shower I was master racing in the bedroom
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it's PC hardware enthusiast definition , PC gamers are classified under this, it due to being superior to the mainstream market console gaming, The PC master race to obtain best hardware or close to, have a PC that shun the capabilities of a console to shame,
Console gamer: you PC elitist noob, your pirate everything, my console is easier and stuff to play, and i'm really pro at Call of Duty.
PC gamer: lol... what?
Console Gamer: you and your PC master race spending $4000 on ya PC , your stupid
PC gamer: we don't pirate games, we buy things from steam for cheap, cheaper then any console game has to offer, and we don't spend $4000 on a PC, as we don't buy alienware mainstream rip off crap,we get custom PC's, we also enjoy gaming at max settings at high resolution 1080+, at 60 FPS, we just enjoy how a game is suppose to be played and visually what it suppose to look like, and we don't care for Call of Duty, as it's just a stupid console game that runs on a super old engine and for people with no skill BS autoaim for shity console controllers its like bs, its a low demanding game, that's why it sells so good, most people are too cheap and stupid and don't have any intelligence to even build a PC or learn how operate a PC. it also lacks skill to play it, as its one most generic easy games to play, the whole gaming industry is flawed by casual console crowed as now everything is hinderd by crap console ports, its console gamers that contuine buy every Call of duty game saying its ok give me same bs game over and over coz im a stupid retarded sheep and don't know any better, but hey we already knew 70% of people are like this, just bunch dumb asses that smart fookers prey on, its us smart people that get rich and prey on them
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(PCMR for short) An incredibly large social community on the internet who believe that Personal Computers (PCs for short) are far superior than anything and anyone else. They tend to target people who play on consoles, calling them “filthy console peasants, and start ranting on how much better they are. They are narcissistic and overly self-praising people who think that their opinion is fact and constantly push other’s away by being mean.
Just some guy: “Guess what? i just got the new PS5!”
Just some guy: :(
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A hypothetical step above PC master race. To have and run instead of a personal computer but a whole mainframe for say a company, school system, lab, university, clandestine group, pony fan art site etc.. Can be used as a complement for computer admins. Or a pejorative to make fun of the nature of PC elitists trying to build bigger computers.
Console peasant: what's your favorite game?
Ancient System administrator neck beard: Star trek.
Console peasant: Is that for ps3.
Ancient System administrator neck beard: No young one, it was on a SDS Sigma 7, in days of Glorious Mainframe Master Race Gaming. You even played it with print outs.......
Platino Master Race is similar to the term 'PC Master Race' in which PC gamers refer to PC gaming as superior and use the antonym 'Console Peasants' to distinguish gaming console players. Platino means Platinum and it refers to the Platinum trophy rewards received on the Playstation 3 & Playstation 4 platforms when beating a video games collection of bronze, silver and gold trophies. Platino Master Race refers to the very specific demographic of Trophy Hunters on the Playstation platform. It was first invented by a Youtube celebrity called Arion Evangelist who used the name 'Platino Master Race' for his trophy guides Youtube channel and this later developed onto the 'Platino Master Race' website where platinum trophy guides are taught publicly and free to all. The term is now frequently used on platforms such as Youtube and Twitch to describe Trophy Hunting gaming communities.
If you want to Platinum Dark Souls, you should get tips from the Platino Master Race