He is very many edgy696969 aka Chad.
He very many likes Doom and doom eternal.
he very estonian
Guy 1: yo have you heard of Mattias.
Guy 2: Yeah i played rust with him.
A guy that's very sweet with his girl. He's very charming, also can make a girl easily fall in love with, cute,hot and also very smart in some subjects. ;D (also really likes to walk around without a shirt)
"oh wow who is that? he´s soooo cute"
"That´s Mattias" ;D
4👍 1👎
He has a VERY HIGH IQ, his intelligent, his a Alpha Male, a true lad, his the most awesome person in the world. Everybody admires Mattias because of his good looks and muscular arms
"Woaw, your awesome"
"Yeah im a Mattias"
4👍 2👎
Mattia è una persona speciale. Alcune volte pensa di esser un peso o una persona di poca importanza. Ma quello che non sa, e che non vede, è la sua bellezza. E no, non parlo *solo* della bellezza esterna, ma anche di quella interna. È una persona che nei momenti importante cerca di esserci sempre, una persona che fa regali e dediche inaspettate, quel tipo di cose che ti riscaldano il cuore. Senza di lui la vita di molte persone sarebbe scialba ed inutile. Chi lo incontra deve tenerselo stretto e trattarlo bene. E anche lui prima o poi riuscirá a vedere la sua bellissima persona❤️.
“Mattia sei bellissimo!” Disse Maria.
325👍 21👎
A smart, VERY ambitious, & intelectual italian. Very unstable & always traveling, he could be in one part of the world one day & on the complete opposite side that other. He's a passionate beast in bed proving the term "italian stallion". Very charming & funny, & ALWAYS full of energy. He has no limits.
I met a Mattia at that party last night! He was from italy & everything!
968👍 123👎
Mattia is a name. They are the best bitch in town and they are badass motherfuckers
Look at that kid Mattia they’re so cool
42👍 5👎