Source Code

May 17th

National soapy b00b picture day

On may 17th every girl should send a male a soapy tit picture

by Aaron0848 May 17, 2022

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May 17th

National Bully CritMeOut day

it's May 17th time to bully CritMeOut

by May17Crit May 17, 2020

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May 17th

Amazing-ness was born

Person 1: it’s may 17th
Person 2: so?

Person 1: amazing-ness was born today πŸ™πŸ½

by You:) December 9, 2019

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May 17th

May 17th. 2005 the Day a princess's was born nice, lovely, strong, beautiful,mean. her looks are one of a kind. Who ever has her is the luckiest person on Earth she's mostly to be a Stephenie.

May 17th 2005 the day the Queen was born

by ty_nom November 12, 2019

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MAY 17th

If you are born on May 17th your zodiac sign is Taurus. If you were born on May 17th you gorgeous, loyal, kind, strong. Fun Fact! My best friend is a Taurus and I'm a Scorpio.

Person 1: "Wow, Lily is so pretty!"
Person 2: "Yay she was born on May 17th

by Luna Mikaelson April 12, 2021

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17th may

a sexy beast was born on this day. a big chad and a big personality

john its the 17th may today!!!

paul okay so?

john a sexy beast was born today 16 years ago

by honeyteas October 25, 2019

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May 17th

You must say happy birthday to someone called fran/franny/franchesca/francis even if it isnt their birthday, you must say happy birthday to them.

I bet you it will either make them happy or confused.

"Happy birthday fran/franny/franchesca/francis"
"Why did you say that?"
"Because its May 17th!!"

by Hjfmfds May 15, 2023