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Used to describe a story or a joke that is only funny in context. Usually used to describe "You-Had-To-Have-Been-There" stories. Named after Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force for his ability to make seemingly unfunny things funny with his voice and tone of voice.

Guy #1:
So we came up to the trash and she got her shirt stuck on the side! *Starts laughing*

Guy #2: (Not laughing)

by Danny Snyder June 10, 2006

33👍 142👎


used to desbribe a story or memory where 'you had to be there'...if someone tells a story and thinks its HILARIOUS...but no one else laughs or gets it...because 'you had to be there'...its is meatwad moment

Ryan: "OMG it was so funny...Billy got hit by a car and it was the funniest thing....HAHAHAHHAH **cracking up**"
Martha: "**straight face**...Meatwad?"
Ryan: "ahh yea.....**continues laughing**"

by martha April 17, 2005

31👍 305👎

The Meatwads

It's a group of based and redpilled Chad's with extremely high iq, the weakest one there is stronger than the strongest person in the world.

Person 1: that guy is hot

Person 2: wow, he must be apart of the meatwads

by Not synnnys November 28, 2021

1👍 3👎


An old man with an MTV mentality and immature

Meatwad William MacIssac posts stupid posts at a kindergarten level.

by some dude in the bay area October 9, 2020