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A Turkish female name which literally translates to 'queen bee' or generally queen.

Melike is such a nice girl.

by herseybitter July 1, 2015

57๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž


meaning queen in Arabic or something, But like in real life: The coolest most beautifulest and artistic human in existence. You can't replace her because she creates the most perfect things. And not just perfect art, but perfect moments and memories. There aren't enough Melike's in this world, but that's what makes her special. Funky, Groovy, important. One of the best friends you'll ever have. Someone you definitely wanna get drunk with. But overall the type of person to cringe at the cheesiness of this definition. love ya Meli - L

person A - "does meli funk?"
person B - "yes melike does funk."
person A - "ok cool thought so."

by pseudonymlolidontcare August 8, 2019

45๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž


She is a walking sexuality
Hot girl summer and hot girl winter

Shes a dick destroyer

Did you see that girl?
Yeah ,She s a Melike for sure.Shining like a diamond.

by Kฤฑrkbir November 21, 2021


People who has Melike as their name is known as an intelligent, kind and a precious lady. She easily understands people and can easily put herself into their shoes, The best person to ask for advices and will comfort you when you needed her, Sensitive yet understanding, everyone adores her.

She's really nice she must be a Melike
"If you need me, I'll be here" Melike's best line

by Geeznuts143 November 24, 2021


ฤฐts a girl name that means beyond infinity

Melike is so funny.

by LayanaGreen November 21, 2021


Craziest person you will ever meet, she is so effortlessly funny. She talks like she is high 24/7. You can always count on Melike, she is always there when you need her. BUT she is not good at showing her emotions or showing LOVE. Or maybe she REALLY doesn't love me idek.๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ She always jokes around. So you (I) have no idea tf she is thinking or talking about. STILL, she is the most charming, gorgeous, and kind person I have ever met. If you have someone like Melike in your life, don't let her go bc YOU ARE THE LUCKIEST PERSON EVER???!!!! AND IT'S MELIKE WITH AN E. NOT MELIKA.

Stop being such a Melike.

by yagmurlicious November 24, 2021


Melike has a very caring, cheerful, positive-minded and fun-loving personality.The meaning of the word is known as the wife of the sultan and the female ruler.Anyone who upsets him will be damned.Moreover, she is very beautiful, both a cute girl and a sexy girl. If you see her somewhere, your success and luck in life will increase.

Melike what a beautiful girl
Melike the queen of the world

by Milie the queen November 21, 2021

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