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A word that has two very different meanings depending on the speed of its utterance.

1. Said quickly; a clinical syndrome of headache, neck stiffness and photophobia. Often indicative of inflammation in or around the meninges.

2. Said slowly; a situation describing multiple male bukkake recipients.

I’d rather see meningism than have meningism.

by Tethys Wrenslayer February 19, 2023


a very gay thing to catch, according to this one fanfic i read.

jack: anthony caught meningitis, he’s out for the rest of the week

david: hmm.. that’s interesting. sean, the town gay, has meningitis too... you know what that means
jack: yeah, he deffo caught the disease from him ewwww
david: that’ll teach him to get off his knees for once and earn a living like us REAL men!1!1!

by news_hoe December 26, 2020

remue meninges

it means brainstormg in french

blablablablablablabla remue meninges blablablablabla

by wedrgfthjkjhgfdsadfghuiokiuyt September 6, 2017

niki meningitis

it is when you are addicted to niki minaj songs

my son has niki meningitis, is he gay?

by yeezy_teezy June 14, 2021

Spinal Meningitis

It really got us down.

"Spinal Meningitis really got me down..."

by Oriyirah March 13, 2022