the act of being hit on by occasionally one, yet usually multiple, hispanic men at one time. (generally in reference to white women)
Julie and Cindy went to this reggaeton concert and couldn't help but be constantly mexican soft tacoed.
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when you put a twizzler in a females vagina then say viva la chango then eat the twizzler
dude what did you have for dinner. oh nothing just a mexican twizzler way man i at that the other night.
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Similar to a rusty trombone, but with diarrhea. In some locales, hot sauce is serves on the side. Pics costs extra
I wanted a rusty trombone but had chipotle that night, and had I settle for a Mexican street taco
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When you puke inside a girls vagina, and then procede to have sex with her.
"I totatly made her into a Mexican Clam Taco last night".
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Mexican heart taco is where you take a very large bore hypodermic syringe and inject human feces into one of the four main chambers of the human heart. When the victim wakes up and grabs their heart you have a huge lady sit on their mouth and poop until the victim suffocates. When the police come you pretend not to speak English.
NOTE -- often confused with a Mexican Crap Taco
Don't fall asleep, or Hans will give you a mexican heart taco.
6👍 20👎
Putting cheese, lettuce, and meat in between a females ass cheeks and then eating her ass.
Person 1: dude me and my girl did the Mexican Taco last week.
Person 2: Bro that's a waste of food.