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The only state where you can hold up your hand, point, and say i live THERE -> because your hand is your map

a state where it can be 30 degrees one day, and 80 degrees the next

resident have there own pick up line, 'Will you hold my map?'

i live in Michigan, it's cold.
'Will you hold my map?' is my favorite pickup line.

by lucky389 June 8, 2011

33๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


This is the home to a diverse group of people, although I will admit that the majority of them are farmers or work in auto factories.

There is nothing wrong with our pronunciation, and we are not all hicks. A hick is somebody who chews all day on his porch wearing a wifebeater, and sometimes shooting at people who walk by. A redneck is somebody who has gotten a sunburn from working outside all of the time. There is nothing shameful about that.

Our universities are some of the absolute best. The rest of you can suck it, honestly. You might think that you're smart, especially you Californians, but you're not.

Our lakes are not for surfing. They are for swimming and fishing. We hunt more than just rabbits and 'coons'. We go for bucks and bears. We are not pansies.

The city 'folk' are much different than us country 'bumpkins'. They might live in Michigan, but they are still considered outsiders. They are not easily effected by such factors as our crazy ass weather and our shitty governor.

Flint is one of the most dangerous cities in the world, Grand Rapids is crowded, and Detroit is full of drug users. If you choose to visit this wonderful state, I suggest you go to a place such as Cadillac, Holland, or Elsie.

Soda is not something you drink, it is something you cook with. Pop, on the other hand, is a lovely carbonated substane that I suggest you try sometime. Pepsi is my favorite, but whatever floats your boat.

Say what you want, but we are all better drivers than you. That's right, you barefooted Californians. Ride your little fucking trolley.

The most important thing to remember is that Michigan might be flawed, but it is not a bad state. I have lived here my entire life, I know what I'm talking about. Stop ripping on it when you haven't even been here for more than two seconds, just passing through to lame ass Canada.

Michigan has some crazy fucking weather!

Yeah, but I love it here anyway.

Fuck California!

by sallyxsaurus July 11, 2008

196๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž


*A magical state that consists of an upper and lower peninsula. The lower peninsula looks like a mitten.

*Here you can find college towns, laid off angry people, bored kids, cornfields, farms, and plenty homeless people in Detroit.

*Michigan can't be that bad, because people who live in Michigan actually vacation in other parts of Michigan.
People who live in the south part of Michigan like to go, "up north", sometimes to the U.P., to go hunting, fishing, camping, and visit the tourist attractions in their good old home state.

*Once people in Michigan turn 19,it is almost tradition to cross the birdge into Canada to go drinking.

*People love boats in Michigan, because of all the lakes, but have to sell them (no one will buy them) because they can't afford to use them anymore.

*Sometimes things get pretty depressing in Michigan, but at least the weather keeps us on our feet (you never know what to expect.)

*Numerous famous people hail from Michigan.. (Bob Sieger, Madonna, The White Stripes, Eminem, Kid Rock, Chiodos...)

I live in Michigan and I don't have a job, but at least I have a boat, a cornfield in my backyard, and saw Kid Rock at a Piston's game!

by fingersofsalad October 12, 2008

90๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


The state where it can be a 70 degree, beautiful, sunny day on one day, and the very next can be a 45 degree rainy day. Also, it's almost impossible to find a job, due to the state being overrun by fucking idiots(Fuck you Granholm.). Other than that, Michigan is pretty sweet. It has the best sports teams - Tigers, Pistons, Red Wings, and - well, the Lions, yeah, they may suck, but we still love em.

Realistic info:
Largest city is Detroit. Capital is Lansing.

Other notable cities
Grand Rapids
Battle Creek
Ann Arbor
Auburn Hills

and plenty more.

Day 1: damn, it's nice outside. let's go play some baseball.
Day 2: shit, it's rainy as hell... ain't that a bitch! plus i need to go find a job. Oh well. I'll just chill and watch the tigers kill the white sox, the pistons fuck up the bulls, and the red wings murder any team that comes in their way. Also I will watch the Lions job to any team.
Day 3: 100 degrees... fuck! plus Im goin to Detroit for the tigers game! better bring the spf 3000!

michigan > your state

by Jordan Stevens May 9, 2007

320๐Ÿ‘ 130๐Ÿ‘Ž


One of the 50 states in the united states. Michigan has a lot of tourism, beaches, campgrounds, and they have the Petoskey stone which is a cool rock.

Also theres lots of dramatic weather changes.

Dad: We are going on a trip to michigan kids

Mom: take the jackets and the swim suits, its supposed to be 80 on tuesday, and 43 and rainy on tuesday.

by Ryan B. (Apple Oinker) July 28, 2008

73๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


A state in the upper U.S. that is shaped like a mitten. It is a state that is usually picked on mostly because of the weather, potholes, and sports teams and people tend to say it is a bad place without even going there. It is best known for its cold weather, Eminem, and car productivity.

I want to move to Michigan someday.

by The Unknown February 23, 2005

697๐Ÿ‘ 339๐Ÿ‘Ž


Michigan, where men are men and sheep are nervous.

Byron"where is Dave from?"
Byron"that explains it"

by Themanwhoknowsitall August 1, 2016

43๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž