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The coolest person to ever walk on the face og the earth. Some say that he even challenged god to a boxing match and won.

Person 1: Mikkel is so cool
Person 2: yes he is alot cooler than the people following him
Person 1: yes Sebastian, Henrik, Casper, Alexander and Mats are all big Faggs

by ggSHaggy September 6, 2019

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Mikkel is the name given to people more superiour than God, But not shaggy because shaggy is the most powerful person in the world.

Mikkel ur so much cooler than Sebastian, Sander, Casper, Henrik, Mats and Aleksander

by ggSHaggy January 31, 2019

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A hot ass dude with nice round nuts.

Yo who dat is with the nice nuts
Thats probs a Mikkel

by The guy with the nice nuts June 2, 2020


It means that you use glasses, is a nerd and is going to shoot up a school with a 12 gauge shotgun and a M14

You look like mikkel. You wannabe mikkel

by Skoleskytern February 8, 2023


Mikkel is a very handsome and nice guy. If you ever meet a guy named Mikkel you should stay with him forever. He is very good in bed and is very strong for his size. He is very skilled at everything he does and treats everyone good.

Mikkel is very sexy guy

by Marcus Forge August 31, 2021

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Has a bigger cock than Marcus Hornbæk and Jeppe Tvingsholm and is the prettiest of all sct knuds

my name is mikkel
- You want to pussyfuck me?

by crowah October 6, 2020

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/'Mæ:irtç/ <i>noun</i>

Originating from the Swedish suburb "Denmark", Mikkel is famed for being a talented eater of raw pig meat and dog testicles.

Mikkel's favourite soft toy is and always will be Gunter the putrid yellow cum sock with which he shares a very intimate experience.

Sometimes Mikkel likes to roley-poley down the stairs but after smashing a glass cup on his anus at new years eve now inevitably spurts faeces.

Mikkel had no choice but to sell his bladder for a plane ticket to England, he also sold his liver for a beer on the plane (well half a beer)

Mikkel's pulse was fading fast but luckly he had just landed at Heathrow where he could get some new organs, unfortuantly they didn't have Danish organs so they just put in a bit of bacon rapped bog roll for the liver and an exteral food bag for the bladder.

Poor Mikkel was often bullied by the others pupils parents after school, they used to squeeze
his pee bag which made him spray out projectile arse vomit over everyone in sight.

The police caught wind of this public defecation and arrested him, then after finding he was an illegal alien they sent him packing back to his land but took the bag and bog roll away first.

The moral of this story is that if you ever meet a Danish lollop called Mikkel run before he spins around and you feel the full force of his merciless arse geyser!

"ERRRRR, I dont know.. Histomaths???" - Mikkel .N 2004

If someone you know were to cut their anus on a glass cup you could say to them : "you cut your anus on a cup, I was reading about another person who cut their anus on a cup"

Call all anal cup cutters Mikkel

Are you a Mikkel?

by Uncle Percy Piper 3rd March 28, 2007

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