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To be in the process of getting fucked up

Dude I think I starting to get misted.

by childishbino March 20, 2017

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Can replace a swear
Can be used in pretty much any context

What the MISTE?!

by Tiny Terry :) February 26, 2019

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Democrat spelling of the english word "missed".

Definition: To feel sorrow and joy at the same time, while receiving a lost loved one's government subsidy.

Actual example from the back window of a Cadillac in the Social Security Office parking lot: "R.I.P. Rose,
You will be misted"

by Rev. Calvin McDougle December 28, 2005

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verb. To douse a peer or stranger using a bottle of any type of liquor. Beer is most often preferred due to its economic vaue, while on the same token, more expensive beverages can heighten the excitement of all involved.

"Mist me, Michael!"; "Beverly! Get misted, girl!"; He was in desperate need of a shower following a good night of misting.

by Candle in the Mist September 18, 2006

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Misting is starting with a large mouthful of some beverage (to the extent to where your cheeks are puffed up like Dizzy Gillespie), then quickly spitting it out at someone, so that it becomes a projectile "mist" in the air.

The proper form when misting, is to look something like one of those fireball-spitting circus performers.

Similar to "shotgunning", which is the same thing, but with a mouthful of crushed ice.

LOL I just misted you with Crush Pineapple and Codeine syrup.

What a profound example of misting that was! If I may elaborate further: PWNZ0RRED!!11shift!!!!!1

by ryansupak June 20, 2006

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Basically another word for The best person ever to exist!

WOW YOU'RE _.mist..._!

by Mistfanpage! August 27, 2021


Misting occurs when one lies down on one's back and has a beverage (preferably alcholic) poured directly into their mouth from about waist height. The inevitable overflow onto the face and body is a mist, hence the term misting. Misting became popular through the Toronto party scene where many individuals continue the practice to this day. Though mostly harmless, a good mister will build up to the performance by making a grand entrance in an elaborate costume or with theme music and generally make the most of the event.

I had an excellent time last night. I mut say though, the height of the eve was Cody's misting.

by Hobart Hoshizaki April 21, 2006

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