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Mosquito Mojito

The act when your clit gets aroused, allowing all the blood to collect there for a mosquito to suck out. The mosquito will leave traces of its venom and youโ€™ll be in a endless cycle of arousal since youโ€™ll feel the need to itch your clit.

Your clit is so aroused, heck thatโ€™s a whole cocktail for mosquitos, call that mosquito mojito!

by Suzysue76 September 1, 2020

Mohair Mojito

This is when a person preforms oral sex on another person with exceptionally hairy genitalia.

Dispite popular preference, Jose will always prefer Mohair Mojitos.

by negativecr33p December 9, 2017

Fecal Mojito

The fecal mojito is the cousin of the uritov cocktail. It consists of a bag that a long-haul trucker uses to take a dump in and the throws it out his window as he is driving.

Driving through Boston, my wife thought that there was a dead cat on the side of the road. I knew better. The son of a bitch in front of me threw a fecal mojito at me. I swerved to avoid the shit splatter, but I didn't avoid the follow up uritov cocktail.

by connorsji May 8, 2008

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Mojito Smash

An ancoholic drink invented by Gustavo D. Esparza. The "Mojito Smash" it is served in many bars and nightclubs on the west coast. It was invented on June 29th, 2003 and it is very refreshing! Ask the bartender to make you one...

1 1/2 oz Listerine Spearimint Flavored Mouthwash
3 fresh mint sprigs
2 tsp sugar
1 tbsp fresh lime juice
2 1/2 oz fresh mango juice
1 splash club soda

PROCEDURE: Muddle the mint leaves, sugar and lime juice in the bottom of a tall glass. Add Listerine and mango juice. Add a splash of club soda and ice cubes. Serve with a mint leaf garnish

(the mango juice can be substituted with Sprite)

Why do they call it a "Mojito Smash"??

because its minty and it will get you smashed!!!!

by CASUAL 909 February 23, 2010

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Mint Mojito

The process in which a woman will start sucking a man's dick (Blow job or Oral Sex) while having some form of mint or breath freshener in her mouth. Then as the process continues the minty tingle will either arouse or burn. Regardless of what you walk away from it with will always be well worth it!

"Dude last night she gave me the longest Mint Mojito ever, I mean the mint desolved before I came!"

"Oh man I got so drunk last night, and some chick started giving me a Mint Mojito man did that burn like hell! Oh but was it worth it!"

by VaizardStevan November 29, 2009

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Ghetto Mojito

When you smoke a Newport while drinking a Bud Light Lime

Look out, Doreen is going to try and bum a newpo from you to go with her BLL cuz she's scaming ghetto mojitos,

by iHatePoorPeopleDotCom June 11, 2011

mojito madman

A drunk that lives in the forest.

Remember how good you thought your cousin was doing? Well, he picked up the bottle and now he's a mojito madman again.

by Vincent Greene March 14, 2010

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