Source Code

mok (mok)

a word that is said after something bizarre has been said

"what if all dogs fly eh?" "mok mok!!"

by aya December 10, 2003

13πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


A typo Giselle makes at a sleepover with Antonio while texting her sister Gabby and becomes an inside joke between Antonio and her

Gabby: β€œI will see if I can get the pizza cheaper”
Giselle: β€œMOk MOk”

by HappyMaxx January 14, 2020

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


(sometimes spelled "mokes") large hawaiian guyz with bigass muscles and tattoos. they hate tourists and own at least forty t shirts that say "hawai'i no'ko'oi" (hawaii is the best). haoles cannot be moks, no matter wat u heard. i am haole and even tho i live in maui, smoke lotsa weed, hate tourists, speak some pidgin, surf a lot, eat spam with every meal, own 7 pairs of rubbah slippahs, have a separate circuit braker for my rice cooker, and drive a pickup (these are all traits of mokes) i am not a moke.

O shit braddah! u wen dented dat one moks truck! he gonna kick u ass alova da place now! u don foked UP brah!

by who the fuck knows? January 26, 2006

102πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


it literally means ur mom in arabic ( moroccan or darija)

moroccan boy : *gets in a fight with some one

some one: ur a peice of shit go kys useless hmar
moroccan boy: mok.

by sadmad January 29, 2022


its a swear word that only certain people use. It is used to mock the people with the surname mok. It is mostly used by people who have a dig bick.
mok you
what the mok
piece of mok

Mok you you piece of mok.

Hey you piece of mok.


by carmok69 February 26, 2020


The noisy and raucous exchange between one or more crows and one or more cows.

Would you listen to all of that mok out there? Sometimes I wish we had never moved here to Golden Guernsey Acres.

by Michael Ely January 27, 2004

31πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž


Used in South Africa, meaning to vomit.

Jesus bru, after I downed that tequila last night I sommer wanted to mok!

by Robmanman August 27, 2007

28πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž