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Easily the worst day of the week. It is the first day back in prison. It is the worst especially for teens because they have been watching SMG4, funny fails or some fresh memes.

Alex: Rod, do you like Mondays
Rod: No, who likes Mondays? They're stupid!
Fletcher: I like Mondays, Mondays are the best
Alex: Happy Monday
Rod: More like unhappy Monday

by Power476 August 20, 2020


The day that comes after Sunday and ends your glorius weekend.

Don't hate Mondays! It's one seventh of your life! If you die when you're 70, that means you spent 10 whole years of your life complaining that it's Monday!

by unfortunatelyihatethemtoo March 18, 2010

38πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


A word used to say that you're having a very bad day.

Today was such a Monday, everything sucked!

by Maya January 23, 2005

165πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž


A horrid day that no one likes as you have been sleeping in on the weekend and now you have to wake up early and its not.

Uggghhhhh it's a Monday

by TheSimpAndTheCaveMan October 28, 2020

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Any day that is inconvenient. Especially one that is terrible because of the after effects from something you recently did.

Zylar wakes up from a coma

Zylar: Ugh, what day is it?
Doctor: Sunday. You'll return to school tomorrow.
Zylar: It's Monday now bitch.

by Zylar March 10, 2008

43πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Code word for 'Nigger" that people can say in front of blacks and not get their ass kicked.

Monday is used as a substitute for nigger because nobody likes mondays.

From one of Russell Peter's comedy routines.

Damn it, that monday over there stole my car!

by reggin6969 July 21, 2010

104πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž


The worst day of the week, statistics show that more suicides are committed on Monday than any other day of the week. Basically a hangover to the weekend, you will always feel at least 10x more tired on Monday than any other day.

Person 1: "You seem miserable"
Person 2: "It's Monday, what do you expect?!"
Person 1: "TouchΓ©"

by MrJonesAndMe April 24, 2012