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When you have uncontrolable bowels...aka Diarrhea.

I went to Pancho's Mexican Buffet, and before I could get to the table, I have an onset of the mudbutts... I seriously shit my pants.

by SnakeFight! April 23, 2006

9👍 5👎


shit that is mushy or runny, started on the dave chappelle show

i had mudbutt last night and it sucked

by shaun January 30, 2005

20👍 71👎


its when you got the shits from drinking miller or bud all night

man i got mudbutt and is starting to really get raw

by negro October 17, 2004

19👍 79👎

Medina mudbutter

When you use butter as a lubricant during anal sex when the recipient is constipated

To alleviate Sally's constipation, I gave her a Medina mudbutter when I got home

by Medina4life July 20, 2011

243👍 103👎

Egyptian mudbutt

The loose, watery diarrhea that occurs after you eat some bad koshari; can be thought of as North Africa's version of Montezuma's revenge.

Hey, I wont be coming in to work today... I got a bad case of Egyptian mudbutt from some bad fūl I ate last night.

by JrHighShiz June 18, 2021

Mexican Mudbutt

1. when one eats a delicious dish of mexican cuisine, but afterwards suffers the consequences in the form of uncontrollable, firey diarrhea.

2. when after recieving anal sex from a person of mexican heritage (or hispanic in general) one contracts an STD in their anus, resulting in a sloppy, muddy butthole.

Person 1: Dude those burrittos were awesome, but i'm never eating there again.

Person 2: Why's that?

Person 1: Because i was on the toilet for the next 2 hours with a case of Mexican Mudbutt

Lisa: Jenny, how'd things go with Jose last night?

Jenny: Well i let him do me in the ass, and now i think i've got a sloppy encounter with Mexican Mudbutt

by tylervaz May 10, 2006

16👍 16👎

Mudbutt Crabs

excessive diarrhea; made popular by Dave Chappelle on "Chappelle's Show," in such skits like "Ribs" and "Black Man on a White Toilet". Could also be spelled "muddbutt." And Crabs: A tiny bug like creature that will infiltrate the pubis maximus, and lead you to isle 3 at the local pharmacy for some blue ointment.. except in this case you’re not going anywhere because the mudbutt, so you’re screwed.

Michael: I can’t come into work today because I’m sick. *ahhhh*
Michaels Boss: Yeah I could hear it, it sounds like you have Mudbutt Crabs, you should stay home, like forever, we don’t want you here with that bullsh*t. Everyone at work discussed it annnnd everyone thinks it’s best that you don’t come back, so... you’re fired.

by Commander_Shepard December 15, 2018