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The mumble used in place of one's name when introducing people whose names one has forgotten. Coined by Jovial Bob Stine. Often used with wordBlempgorf/word. "While everyone assumes they couldn't hear and re-introduces themselves, you can slip off and eat some little party hot dogs."

Hello, murgle murgle, I'd like you to meet my new friend murgle. I've got to run; those mini hot dogs look tasty.

by Decaf Silicon May 12, 2003

4๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


A way to describe how you feel when someone messes your perfect, and on fleek, hair.

"I felt so... So... URGLE-BURGLE-DURGLE-MURGLE when Sandra pulled out my pony tail!" >:(

by KitCate February 22, 2016

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


To murder a living organism by stepping on it

โ€˜Oh look Jacob you just murgled that snail!โ€™

by SnailMurgler123 December 3, 2019



murder a living organism by stepping on it

โ€˜Oh look Jacob you just murgled that snailโ€™

by SnailMurgler123 December 3, 2019


(Verb) The action of murgling
(Noun) Somebody who has been murgled

"I'm going to murgle you"
"What's that?"
"Wait and find out"

by Murgler6969 December 29, 2021


to annoy a dog with your hands, mainly around the head area. any physical contact with the dog's face that does not do any physical harm yet still annoys the shit out of the doggy.

Why is the dog's fur so messed up around his face? Maybe it's because you murgled him so much.

by TaraAwesomeness January 2, 2009


When youโ€™re burgled and murdered at the same time

Dazza got murgled last night, tow blokes broke in and nicked all his stuff and topped him off, proper shocking!!

by Samlikesham May 8, 2018