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Muse (noun)
Muse myooz

1.somebody who inspires an artist

Somebody who is a source of inspiration
for an artist, especially a poet

The poet used her as his muse for his book.

by Rae 1 February 10, 2006

988๐Ÿ‘ 259๐Ÿ‘Ž


The best band in the world, and they are british :) Very good live aswell!

Tom: I saw muse last nite
Dick: Arnt they the best band in the world?
Harry: Arnt they the best live band 2?
Tom: YES YES YES!!!! MUSE ARE THE BEST!!11!!ONE!!!11111111111

by A zeks muse fan February 17, 2005

4508๐Ÿ‘ 1268๐Ÿ‘Ž


Quite simply, this three person band from Great Britain produces the best music im sure I will ever hear. Hearing "Thoughts of a Dying Athiest" makes me want to touch myself.
If you like Muse, give yourself a high five!
If you have never heard Muse, go to www.muse.mu where you can hear their music.
If you don't like Muse, then you can go fuck off and die, because you are, no doubt, an ignorant bastard with less appreciation for good music than N*sync fans.

Quinten: *Gives Jake 5 dollars*
Jake: What is this for?
Quinten: Thanks for telling me to listen to Muse. They kick ass!

by JakeSeifert August 14, 2005

1981๐Ÿ‘ 552๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) A mythical being (usually female), or force said to inspire artists, musicians and writers.

2) To mull over thoughts.

3) A band from the UK largely considered to be one of the best bands around today, critically acclaimed for their live performances.

1) "This is such a good place to write music, I feel like there is a muse over it."

2) "I was just in the shower, taking some time to muse over my life."

3) "I was just listening to some Muse."

by Muzz February 4, 2010

70๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


Really the only band you need in your life.

Their music will soundtrack and heighten every emotion you've ever experienced, whilst quite literally blowing your mind, reducing you to tears, making your heart burst in sheer rapture and making you want to bow down and worship at the feet of the three virtuosically talented English musicians who created it.

Like drugs, only much better.

Muse = aural sex.
Muse = Better. Than. Sex.

by citizen e September 15, 2005

1745๐Ÿ‘ 500๐Ÿ‘Ž


A legend of a band. They are classed as progressive rock. Music that is genius. At times they can be really hard with the guitar riffs and heavy beats but then the song will go soft and quiet and be a lot more melodic. They are described as the post-queen band and have received praise from brian may. if i was starving and had ยฃ10 left i would buy a muse cd rather than food. i am so glad i have found muse, their lyrics mean a lot to me and have helped me.

i would try and say "if you like ....... then you would like muse" but i just can't think of an example. they are totally unique in their sound, vision and musical input.

by individualcharacter December 30, 2010

85๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


Muse are a band from Teignmouth, composed of three men - Matthew James Bellamy (vocals, piano, keys, lead guitar) Chris Wolstenhome (bassist) and Dom Howard (drums and percussion)

There style is progressive rock, and they are a fantastic band live. England should be proud they have managed to produce such a good rock band in all the crappy nescafe quick fix music thats around today.

Dom is a fab drummer, Chris is an awesome bassist, my personal fave after Flea, and Matty is a cutey and can do the most amazing vocals, the only person i can think of who is better is the lead singer of COF (cradle of filth)


by Jmtgpa August 10, 2005

1249๐Ÿ‘ 395๐Ÿ‘Ž