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Muslim is the religion of prophet Mohammad and it's the religion of forgiveness and helping others and those who u say about them "terrorist Muslims" Like ISIS there aren't Muslims b\c if they truly are Muslims they won't kill these "TERRORISTS" are really far from being Muslims

I'm a Muslim

I live in Lebanon
I live with Christians
I love them
And I'm not a Terrorist


MUSLIM = Christians
This fact = peace

TERRORISTS are not MUSLIMS even if they say ALLHU AKBAR

by GAL313SHIA January 24, 2015

190๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž


A religion of peace that is gravely misunderstood by non-muslims and muslims (extremists) alike.

Muslim: It is okay to blow up people if they are infidels.

Non-muslim: The muslims all want tp kill us.

by Complex Guy December 27, 2011

320๐Ÿ‘ 93๐Ÿ‘Ž


A follower of the faith of Islam, living in the way the prophet Mohammed. It has recently garnered a bad reputation because of a small militant sect of Muslims who shout louder and more violently than the average Joe Muslim. There has also been a backlash in many European countries and America because of a tendency for women to wear Bhurkas, or head covers. Contrary to popular belief or misinterpretation this is not in fact part of the religion but part of the culture that Islam arose in. Other tenents of their faith include kneeling down and praying in the direction of their city mecca five times a day.

Person 1: "hey that Muslim is kneeling on the ground again"

Person 2: "you idiot, that's their Religion, I don't laugh at you giving out Bible leaflets all afternoon"

Person 1: "oh" *shuffles off*

by Hermit 17 June 21, 2010

693๐Ÿ‘ 208๐Ÿ‘Ž


People who are really peaceful and are represented poorly im the media because everyone just goes based off the news and not actual facts, real muslims are actually not allowed to kill or conduct any act of god, a real muslim would never bomb but the people who just listen to the media and beleive muslims just bomb are truly misguided and misinformed, its sad because alot of people probably dont even know muslims love jesus and is one of the most important prophets to muslims

There is a muslim man right there on school trying to get an eduaction so he can develop a great life for his family loke everybody else in the world who is able to

by Asap93 June 20, 2017

439๐Ÿ‘ 134๐Ÿ‘Ž


a beatiful religion most people dont understand islam or anything about it yet make up stuff everyone in this generation is brainwashed. whats wrong with wearing a hijab? we just dont want anything wrong happening too us. muslims have the same rights like everyone else on this planet.FYI in the bible it says christians are also supposed to wear hijabs or shave off their hair. Yes there are people who mislead or religion but theres people who mislead every religion.


by dgddhfdsmcfkhn July 19, 2014

227๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Muslim is a believer in or follower of Islam- Nothing more, nothing less.

The Muslim terrorists that you hear of are confused about their religion, just like many Christians are. I am an American currently living in the Middle East, and Muslims are about the nicest people anywhere.

They're religion is probably more strict than Christians, for any violence of ANY kind is extremely sinful.

Muslims do NOT live in a "stone age" like some people say. People live in regular houses, and drive cars like everyone else.


Muslim: "No, it all it means that I believe in Allah. Christians have been known to do suicide bombings in the US as well."

by Scootcha August 24, 2010

671๐Ÿ‘ 203๐Ÿ‘Ž


The word Muslim is an arabic word which translates to English literally as "One who has submitted " or "One who makes peace" and which religiously means "One who has submitted to the Will of God in peace".

It is the religion of the angels and of the prophets and of the believers.

Jesus (peace be upon him) taught the believer to say " Thine WILL be done, on earth as it is in heaven" and said "Blessed be the Peacemakers for they will be known as the servants of God"

This summarizes religious law on earth, together with correct belief and methods of worship.

Muhammed (peace be upon him) said "I am the final brick..." in a house built by all the previous prophets.

King James Bible/Mathew:

Jesus orders the believers (they didn't call themselves christians but peacemakers - in arabic "muslim") to pray like him in the garden of Gethsamene where Jesus would stand, bow, and prostrate his head on the ground while uttering specific words of praise that had been revealed for this usage by God.

by Like-it-is February 9, 2012

1180๐Ÿ‘ 356๐Ÿ‘Ž