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Muster Cluster

When multiple dicks are being penatrated in a single womans vagina.

Bro! We had a muster cluster with Kate last night!

by Mr. Jones21 January 22, 2011

muster a buster

When you eat specific foods for the sole purpose of cutting what is intended to be a near window shattering fart.

I had it all figured out, eating all those highly flatulent foods and drinking all that beer, to most effectively muster a buster!

by Dr Bunnygirl September 29, 2019

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pass muster

To be acceptable for a certain purpose.

Because my brother works with tuxedos, I turned to him to see if my prom tux would pass muster for next week's prom.

by iViking April 11, 2011

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Minnesota Muster

Group sex in the northern tier states during the dead of winter. Possibly the only way to kill time when it's too cold to be outside.

We're all going to Minnesota Muster at Larry and Sharon's house. Last time we went, my driveway froze over and Tulip got pregnant.

by RedRedRed Red June 16, 2016

ute muster

An Australian phenomenon that occurs in rural areas. All the local hillbillies gather to this event to show of their ute, drink Bundy Rum, listen to Lee Kernaghan and pick up bushpigs. These eyesore vehicles are a fruitless attempt by the owner to convert their ute to resemble a fully fledged truck. This usually includes a Commodore, Falcon, Hilux etc decked out with CAT mudflaps, spotlights, countless R.M Williams and Bundy stickers, a bullbar half the weight of the car itself, a plethora of aerials (less than half of which perform a function) apart from making these hideous vehicles resemble Sputnik on wheels and are completed with a girlfriend who looks like a a German weightlifter in the passenger side and maybe a blue heeler or Kelpie in the back tray. The latter being the more attractive of the two. Akubra wearing tools and ugly girls make up the majority of the people who attend these events.

Guy 1: "Damn must be a ute muster going on, there's ugly bitches and Akubras everywhere"
Guy 2: "Wanna go?"
Guy 1: "Fuck off idiot"

by PissDrinkingClub March 24, 2009

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Beer Muster

A get together designed to build morale and courage through intake of heroic amounts of alcoholic beverages, primarily beer.

May or may not have been done in WWII by your grandpa. If he did, it was 2.5% alcohol 8oz beer cans, and he only had 2- but he felt invincible afterwards.

What time is beer muster? No, seriously- we can't figure out...

by Bj Bruce February 3, 2012

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fucking musters

phrase used to express one's exasperation. Commonly uttered during intense bouts of Super Smash Bros Melee after a night of intense partying. Also used when an inability to express one's self arises.

*Ron is playing SSBM and get's spiked EVERY time he approaches the edge of the stage*
Ron: Fucking musters...
Jack: What?

by PunkMasterGFunk December 24, 2010

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