self mutilation (or known as self-injury) is a concept on which many teens have picked up on. whether it be a form of releasing pain, or getting attention. it is scarring many teens in the process.
it is almost any form of the desruction in one's own tissue.
cutting, wrist banging, burning, head banging (against walls), pulling out hair, breaking bones, scratching, amputation or anything of that severity
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Reasons People Cut:
not able to express emotions
unable to cope
to regain self-control
to ease tension and anxiety
to escape feelings of depression
to relieve anger and aggression
to relieve intense emotional pain
to retaing control over one's body
to escape feelings of numbness
not reasons:
suicide attempt/ wanting to die
always tell a trusted adult or parent if you or someone you know is self-mutilating. this is an unhealthy habit that needs to be treated.many self-mutilators can not stop their behaviors on their own and need professional help.
self-mutilation is an unhealthy practise.
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harming ones self on purpose.(burning,cutting, pulling hair, hitting, etc) It is NOT an attempt, or even a sign of suicide. It is not only "emo" or goth kds that do it. Many people do. Some people do it because of depression, attention seeking, and many other reasons. It is not a sign of weakness, it is a cry for help! I know, because i used to cut! And saying bad things about us don't make us better...when people cut it can be just for trends, or for deep emotional problems!! SO STOP SAYING IT IS A TREND OR THAT THEY ARE TRYING TO BE HARDCORE!!! THAT WAS THE LAST THING ON MY MIND WHEN I DID IT!!..........stupid fags....
Self mutilation is a serious problem that needs to be payed more attention to.
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The practice of harming oneself (on purpose) in some way. There are many reasons people do this, self-mutilation (or: self harming, self injury, etc) is often linked to depression, high anxiety or self-loathing. If you harm yourself you need to get help, tell a teacher or a parent or look in your phone book for a help line.
Self mutilation is getting more and more poular, especially among teenage girls.
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Hurting yourself on purpose, such as cutting. For some people it's for attention, or the need to feel manipulative, but for most it's because of fdepression. It's a coping mechanism, It helps you deal with strong emotions.
Some people think cutting is suicidal, but it's not.
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Self mutialtors often don't liek teh term 'self mutilation'.
People cut themself or burn tehmselves or otherwise harm themselves to get rid of emotions they can't let out. Often they can't cry so they cut. People who do cry and cut just cos their friends do are idiots.
Self hmutilators must not be forced into stopping, this really does not help.
Non cutter: Self harm is wrong
Cutter: It's not wrong, it's just the 'wrong way of going about things' (said bitterly)
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Ok self mutiation isnt the best word in the world but wtf r some of u ppl chattin?!?! its not a way to proove ur an emo or anything like that its just a way some people decide to cope with things. people can cut them selvs or burn themselves etc. it may not be the right way to help these feelings but for the people who do it its all they can do. self harm is kind of like words you cant say. theres no ned to rip down the people who do it cause half the time their ashamed of it anyway and thy dont need others taking the piss.
"self mutilation is like words that i cant say"
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