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Stomp on my leg

Like “twist my arm”, to convince someone to do something , usually used in a sarcastic way

“Dude, just ask her out”
Fine, stomp on my leg

by banana69420 August 28, 2021

Ow, my leg!

What the guy in the background of every disaster on the show Spongebob says.

Ow, my leg guy: Ow, my leg!

by gln&dstn November 29, 2009

20👍 4👎

touch my leg

Random statement usually said to an eldery female on a bus or subway

Hey sexy, wanna touch my leg.

by it_was_a_friday_night January 17, 2008

8👍 1👎

pulling my leg

slang for lying usually used in Man 2 sentence

Man 1: you left the fridge open
Man 2: you better not be pulling my leg

by cool_bac November 15, 2007

90👍 42👎

Off my leg

The desire to be left alone by someone or something that wants something from you or wants to do something to you. Example: a puppy or dog that wants to hump your leg

Hottie: All the guys know I broke up with my boyfriend, and now I can't get them off my leg.

by 0regon August 24, 2017

6👍 1👎

Stomp on my leg

To make someone feel an obligation to do something. Normally used with an overarching sarcastic tone. See also: twist my arm

Friend 1: Bro I’m not sure about this Jessica girl
Friend 2: Dude… just kiss her already
Friend 1: Fine just stomp on my leg haha

by Denverdiva840 September 20, 2021

pissing my leg

Origin: Ireland. Contraction of "taking the piss off someone" and "pulling the leg".

The first occurrences of the phrases were reported from the early 2010's in Cork, Ireland.

Firstly an involuntary mix between the two aforementioned expressions, it quickly became popular.

-Do you know that they will close the dress shop you like and will open a DYI one instead?

-Stop pissing my leg! It can't be true!

by françois adélaïde January 15, 2011

5👍 2👎