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Officially “New York Racing Association” an organisation that runs three New York State racetracks (Aqueduct, Belmont Park, and Saratoga)

Most employees. For NYRA swear it really means

“Not Your Regular Assholes”

To err is human, to really foul things up requires NYRA

by Horsie from hell July 15, 2023


Nyra is the most beautiful girl you’ll every meet
🥰everything about her is literally unique she’s top notch,her personality is everything .

I love me some nyra

by Sweatgirl March 13, 2022


An organization run by a bunch of egotistical maniacs who are in it to reach their own political agenda. Also run by people who protest the stereotypes against teenagers and children while reinforcing them through their uncivilized, vulgar attitude (particularly towards dissenters with their cause).

NYRA is a joke. It might mean more if it wasn't a gated community masquerading as an organization promoting civil rights.

by Shauser5005 April 28, 2006

15👍 86👎


An organization run by a bunch of egotistical maniacs that feel that they're the best thing to happen to Earth since sliced bread. Its community is run by moderators that act in an inconsistent, biased way -- picking favorites among users and visitors. The community members ostracize and gang up on people that don't agree with their points of view and opinions, which is funny, since this lawless, unbalanced community is supposed to be run by people that support freedom of speech and thought.

An organization with executives that hide behind the corporate entity while using verbal guerrila tactics to overcome those that disagree with them.

An organization that's so full of itself that they've defined themselves in an open-source encyclopedia. Oh, well. If I was starved for attention and attempting to silence my few damaging opponents, I might make a desperate cry for publicity, too.

An organization associated with a movement where one of its major influential people, Josh Gilbert, committed suicide. Gee, I wonder why?

One look at the vulgar nature of the communication within the community will turn any neutral adult into an ageist. The immature behavior of NYRA's members just reinforces the stereotypes that youth are indecent people that act before thinking carefully about their actions.

Yeah, so let's have NYRA just wipe out the voting age and drinking age. What's left? Way to plan our future, idiots!

"You're just not that important..." - Scott Davidson, a NYRA director, to someone who held skeptisism to the approach of the current youth rights movement

Assenter = Person exercising freedom of speech
Dissenter = Ageist bigot that writes libel

Freedom of speech is more than the freedom to write the "F" word a lot.

by Shauser5005 February 26, 2006

15👍 94👎