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National fake friends day

national fake friends day is on August 22

yo it’s national fake friends day post your fake friends

by Gdawg😼 . August 6, 2019

14👍 38👎

national fake ass friend day

On August 10, it will be a day to expose any and all of your fake friends from the past and present. You can expose them, drop them, do whatever you please to show them that they’re fake. A fake person should not be posting about this day.

Me: yo they needs have a day just for fake ppl. I got so many who could be exposed.
Her: National Fake Ass Friend day is on August 10th. Have fun!

by Bhaddiebae August 5, 2019

39👍 2👎

national drop fake friends day

A day on April 28th, where you tell all your fake friends you don't want to be friends with them, because, their fake.

"Hey Marcus, It's national drop fake friends day so be gone thot"

by ligmalake April 26, 2018

3260👍 488👎


The day you put out all the mother fuckin TEA and expose all the WEAK ASS BITCHES you hate

You said it’s National Fake Ass Friends Day?” *pulls out paper , taps on mic and clears throat*


by imademon October 2, 2019

National Fake Ass Friend Day

On November 28, National Fake Ass Friend Dsy is a day when you expose all your fake friends that you thought you would’ve been grateful for, but they turned to be fake

Alex: Man Sally is fake as hell.
Rodger: You know national Fake Ass Friend Day is November 28? Just go on Social Media and post her.
Alex: WOW man, thx dude!

by MoveLikeASssssnake November 27, 2019

National fake ass friends day

On the day February 8th you get to post all the fake friends you have no offence to the people who get posted.

“Have you heard it’s national fake ass friends day today today will be great ”

by Yourmum225 February 2, 2020

National Fake Ass friend Day

National fake ass friend day is a day to expose and be bold about these fake ass bitches & nigga’s . It’s celebrated November 25th

Keisha fake ass finna get exposed
National Fake ass friend day is to post a friend who is the opposite of a real friend

by Anonymous Pretty bitch November 25, 2019