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A virtual pets site where you get to own four pets, feed them, play games, and chat with your friends.

Neopets used to be a great site. I played since I was nine years old, and it was my favorite site to be on. I always felt comfortable there and all the different aspects of the site were so much fun for me.

Now, as so many people will tell you, Neopets is the absolute shittiest site on the internet. (ZOMG reported!!!1!!) They have advertisments on every page. The site is run by totalitarian bastards who don't care about anything but money. The site is too censored for anyone over the age of seven. The mods forbid mentioning other sites and try to brainwash children into thinking that Neopets is the best the Internet has to offer. And most of all, the boards are filled with "dun h8 me b/cuz im gawf!!!1!!!!!" and "hi im 11/f/us do ne hawt boiz wnt 2 chat??!!?!?!1!" The majority of people on there are JUST FUCKING STUPID.

Ever since I found Gaia, the only reason I ever go on Neopets anymore is to see how much worse the site is now than before.

Person: ZOMG i lurv3 neopetz!!!!!!!!

*person is given links to several other, better sites*

Person: I can't believe I used to like that crap!

by Misha July 5, 2005

163๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


Neopets is a majorly corrupted bitter-sweet game on the internet. It is run by about a handful of people, who used to be caring, but they have been corrupted by the Mcdonalds franchise. "Plushies", "Item Codes", and all sorts of junk have been placed on brands. Rumours have been going around, so I'm going to collect them here

1.Neopets is Communist. This seems entirely accurate, for the game will "Ice" you for almost anything, and to prove this, here is an extract I got from the site.
"Posting sexual or offensive material (language, images and usernames)." Cencorship is part of this balanced communist diet. You could be iced for posting, on the NeoBoards, a range of things. Opinions, Ratings, Get-Togethers, and the list goes on.

2. Neopets is HACKED. This sprouted from the fact that studies have been made, to prove that Twenty-Five Percent of users have been Iced, Warned, or had their Account deleted. That is a startling rate for averagely six or seven people to handle in, say, two years. 25% of Eighty Million, too. To be able to do that, you would have to be, like, an Insomniac whos only life is made up of Control and the letter "D".

3. Bought out. This seems the most likely, because something very startling is that at approximately 5 monts consecutavly of eachother, 3 brand names became infected with the Neo-disease. I'm going to start calling it Neoitis. So, in 5 monts, 3 was the average Neoitis count. Donna and Adam were probably rolling in riches by now. Two months went by, and another company was hit. Toys-R-Us. They started supplying the company with Trading Cards. But then "they" came. It was terrifying. They flocked in over the boards, and stole everything from the main plaza. But then it hit "The team". They realized that if they Ice more people, they will want more accounts, so they'd make more, and that would make their pay rise. But they, they got thrown out. Replaced with machines, I broke free from this disease, this Neoitis, and moved on to bigger and better things. A thing called "Life".

Thank you, and I sincerely hope you break free of this disease.

Current freedom from Neopets count = 9

by Jahke April 24, 2006

83๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


A online game that started out as a good game, like Pokemon but now is horribly bad.

Point 1: Overcommercialization.

We've got Neopets happymeals, Neopets plushies, Neopets keychains, Neopets stickets, etc. What happened to "We don't want to make money, we just break even using the advertising!"

Point 2: Sponsor Games

99% of the NEW games on the site are sponsor games. Most are the same as other games, and are very, very simple, but the characters or the background are changed. These games are the opposite of inventive.

Point 3: Wars

Wars on Neopets are very boring. You sit around and attack the same enemy a billion times and then you (might) be able to get a bigger one to fight!It's like in Pokemon where you have almost beat the game, except the developers have messed up and given you Level 2 Rattata to fight, rather than Level 70 Gravelers.

Point 4: Message Boards

Greedy Adam and Donna. A while ago, there was a message board called General Chat, where all the media driven "get a girlfriend cause you should!" 7 year olds posted OMFFIGLJG 15/M/ALASKA WILL U BE MEH GIRLFRIENDSZ!?!/ Instead of hiring new monitors, they froze accounts of people that didn't do anything, and destroyed the GC, making the aforementioned people go to other boards where WE had to handle them.

Neopets is most likely the worst internet game today. If you want good, try Bootleggers.us

by Froggyliciousness June 26, 2004

3330๐Ÿ‘ 956๐Ÿ‘Ž


Neopets used to be fun when they had General Chat and reasonably priced items. But now it is a dictatorship. TNT sits on their throne and freezes users for being rich or just being a user or just because they have nothing better to do (try making the site a little more user-friendly, bitches!). We are just the helpless villagers awaiting eternal ice. Even if you do ask for your account back and give them real reasons why you shouldn't have been frozen they will still never reply. If you ask for help on a subject like a rare item code not working, they will send you an e-mail saying "Why don't you try asking the people on the Help boards. They will be more than happy to help."
NO THEY WON'T! The n00bs at the Help boards sit there and wait for unsuspecting newbies to ask an innocent question and then the attack you like a swarm of bees yelling "Oh mi geee uR LYK t0talLY rEp0rtED!!!!11!!!111!" and then TNT says they check each report thoroughly, but in reality they see if enough people report the matter and freeze them and when they ask for their account back they say "Why don't you try asking the people on the Help boards. They will be more than happy to help." I CANT GO ON THE BOARDS YOU SONOFABITCH! YOU FROZE ME! They wouldnt even let me type the word "naughty" when I was quoting it from Harry Potter! They care too much about their sponsors to even begin to think about what is best for their users. They say, "No profanity allowed.", but the faeries practically work for Playboy showing all their cleavage! Have some dignity! They won't let you say "I believe in Christ". But they will let you say "Wiccans will rule the earth and kill you!". Come on! Neopets! What happened to it? Where did they go wrong???

n00b: oMgee lyk g!v mii aLL urr m0Neyzzz oR ! WiL1 reeEp0rtt uu!

Me: How about no! You cant make me give you my money!

n00b: i AM reeeEp0RTin' uu u soNof aaa BITcH! i AM theNeopetsTE@M!!11!1! i 0wn neopets!

Me: What did I do? Why dont you crawl in a hole and die and we will see if anyone cares?

by Paige Anderson July 18, 2006

94๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


Neopets. I'm sure you see it EVERYWHERE now. On TV commercials, in stores, on people flippin SHIRTS!

Neopets was, at one time, a FUN site. I'll admit it still is a bit fun but what do you get in the long run. A bunch of pixels you wasted days and days, even YEARS on?

Many, many, MANY years ago Neo was a site run by caring people who actually took notice of users and got to know them. The mods were nice and understanding, I remember even being FRIENDS with some mods!

That all changed though. Little by little Adam and Donna sold out. Finally, in June of 2005 they sold themselves to Viacom. The users might have well sold their souls to the devil.

Ads popped up EVERYWHERE. Now, it is worse than EVER before. There's an ad on the bottom of the screen, on the top of the screen and on BOTH sides of the screen. You can go to a page and a ad will pop up on your screen.

The rules also became SUPER SUPER SUPERRRR strict. Before you could at least say Damn! and What the Hell! or That Sucks. But NOOOOOO you say suck and your frozen. And what gets to me is that dating and religion and swearing is STRICTLY prohibited but there are ads for Eharmony and things saying WHAT THE HELL and ads for buying a limited edition bible! WHAT KIND OF JOKE IS THAT???

And the NC MALL. More like Viacoms Money Maker Central. People actually PAY for fake money to use on pixels so your neopet can look like a fruitcake! Yay!

Yes people ACTUALLY USE IT. They waste money on this crap. And then Viacom freezes them without a second thought. They don't care, just as long as they get their money, they don't care. Its alll corporate. VIACOM OWNS YOUR SOUL if you play neopets and buy their crap, then they have you right where they want you.

Nothing really happens anymore. They recently released an avatar. Their first one in hmmm..let's see...3 FLIPPIN YEARS! They've really let go of stuff. They waste all their time freezing people, making new demented looking pet colors and making items that NO ONE WITH A LIFE IS GOING TO BUY.

And what REALLY upsets me is how they revamped the site COMPLETELY. One day its nice and cozy the next its high tech and my frickin neopet is EVERYWHERE. They do that so we can stare at its naked body and waste money on PIXELS TO COVER UP ITS NAKED PIXELS! Wow! Good idea viacom!

And don't even get me started on what they did to the pets. At one point the pets were fun and individual, now they ALL LOOK EXACTLY THE SAME. And not only are they identical but they are UGLY. Why should I waste my time on ugly pets?

And the boards. More like N00b Central. Its full of illiterate freaks. And the people who aren't illiterate are super rich, snobby users who think they are better than you. Yeah if you want to waste all your time savin up NPs and Avatars and thinking they're smarter than you and then get frozen and cry about then yeah, we'll see who the winner is then.

Another name for the boards...Scammer Place. Scammers are EVERYWHERE. The boards are full of scammers, cheaters, liars, CGers, (Cookie Grabbers, they recently developed a new program where people can steal your cookies. They are STILL on the site, an example of how many unsolved glitches and bugs there are that neo is too lazy to fix)idiots who don't have a life but think they do (a.k.a 'rich and respected' neopians), and illiterate n00bs. Throw in some 8 year olds and a bunch of fan girls and prep/emos along with a bunch of flamers and report happys and thats the boards in a nutshell. Yup! HOW FUN!

Neo also has a staff of lazy fat asses who sit back at their computer and click the freeze button.

Don't even get me STARTED on the staff. You say "Oh yeah, I like the color of my pet a lot, but not really the basic ones." and some n00b will show up and go "0MG MI P3T 1Z A B@SIC C0L0R!!! 0MG U S000 M3@N, R3PORT3D." And neo will freeze you.

I was frozen for saying date. Thats right, I said "oh yeah, we should decide on what date to do that on" . They froze me. EVERYTHING I had saved up was gone. I must say, I was addicted but now I realize how stupid I was, wasting my time on PIXELS!

GET OFF OF IT WHILE YOU CAN. I was addicted too, I would spend my WHOLE SUMMER locked in the office, playing Neopets ALL DAY.

There is a whole world out there people. There is NO POINT to Neopets. You spend all your time playing completely stupid games and buying dumb paint brushes for your pets. ButWHY? So you can show off to your little neo friends who are probably 40 year old living in their moms basements???

Its a waste of time and you WILL get frozen. Neo was once fun, if you can look past all the ads, scamming, crappy staff, dumb games, stupid looking neopets then yeah maybe it's fun for you.


Me: You need a life

Neopets4life1234567: I HAVE ONE. I LOVEEEEEE NEOPETS.

*6 months later*

Neopets4life1234567wazfrozen: OMG TNT FROZE M333 NOOOOO! DAT WAS MY HOLE LIFE! I CAN'T B3LI3V3 DEY DID THATTTTTT!!!!!!!

Me: Yup, thats what neo gives you after years and years AND YEARS of devotion. After playing games and putting hardwork into your account they freeze you. You should get a life, it really helped me. Afterall, Neo is built on an empire of corporate and pixels.

by Em {EX-Neopets Addict} June 24, 2009

57๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


A chilidish yet addicting website. You create pets, take care of them, make neopoints, the sign for neopets currency. In the old days, people could spell and were nice. Now, it is infested with n00bs.

Neopets was Ok untill the n00bs came. *scarred for life*

by I.K. April 12, 2005

834๐Ÿ‘ 252๐Ÿ‘Ž


Overall, a horrible addictive game that you will wish you had never known of.

It interrupts your schooling and work (if you're an adult)
The games are the biggest jokes.
The NeoBoards are pack full of show-offs and n00bs
It's so commercial, it's not funny
The staff don't give a shit about you.
It's full of bugs and glitches
If you get frozen for a glitch, it is 1% likely that they will unfreeze you.
It's got enough scammers and spammers to make you scream.

If you like it now, you'll hate it later.
How do I know?
Cause I used to be a Neopian.
I used to love it.
I used to spend countless hours on it.
Until I realised,
"What a waste of time"

Neopets is a load of bullshit.

by that retard July 2, 2007

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