To diminish the power or effectiveness of...
To make less potent.
Originally, this was a product line of foam based toys for children. It was adopted by the online gaming community to refer to the reduction in power of a game feature for the sake of balance.
This term is now seeing more widespread generic usage, usually in reference to mechanical devices, or personal powers within a business framework.
antonyms: Buff(v), Spike(v)
My dad totally nerfed my access to the internet. Life suxx0rz since the advent of the NetNanny!
Did you hear that Henley got Nerfed?? It's probably because he handled the Parker account so poorly.
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A line that the character D.Va says in overwatch when she uses her ultimate and causes everybody to run for cover. D.Va's ultimate is self destruct and everybody in a certain radius gets dealt a HUGE amount of damage.
D.Va: Nerf this! {self and opponents}
*playing overwatch* Nerf This!
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Usually in first person shooters and RPGs, when game developers think a weapon is far too powerful, and threatens the stability of the game, and weakens the aspects of that power drmatically to rebalance it.
When diablo 2 came out, everyone played either a necromancer or a barbarian. Now necromancers is nerfed to a point where its intolerably difficult to duel against other players without people just dodging your summoned minions and shove a axe into your face.
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Nerfs are grumpy, antlered herbivores, resembling yaks, raised on many planets, including Alderaan, Gestron and Corellia, for their milk and meat. Herders of the beasts are well known for being as scruffy looking and surly as their livestock, and to be called a "nerf herder" (as Han Solo is by Princess Leia) is considered a strong insult.
"Why you stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herder!"
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when the makers of a game decide the players are having too much fun
dude, they totally nerfed the energix kit!
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v: something that worked at one time, but was changed (usually for the worse) by someone who did not understand that particular thing's usefulness. You used to have something cool, but now your stuff
suxors. Often refers to MMOFPS's or MMORPG's, when the game designers change in-game rules and they screw stuff up.
"That game used to pwn, but now it blows. They took out the best part."
"Whatever I was doing, I'm not doing it anymore, I got nerfed."
"Our junk was so much better before the designers all nerfed it."
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