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Liquids that come from one’s tiddy (specifically a male).

The word Nerm comes from the combination of nipple and sperm.

Ahh shit, Wilson, what’s that liquidity stuff coming from your tit?

Ahh. It’s just some Nerm.

by La_Bum_ January 11, 2020

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The act in which a dead (splay-legged and splay-armed) body falls from a set of rafters, and lands unerringly onto a living person.

Jessica entered the studio, letting out a sigh of relief. It had been a hard day at work, and she was ready to sit down with some chai, her painting, and some good old Lionel Richie. As the door clicked shut, and the lock sunk home, the body of her former boyfriend slipped free of it's temporary home, and nermed her hard, across her shoulders.

by Matthew Li Shy January 10, 2014

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weed; nugs of good weed. Variant of preems.

Let's cop some of them nice nerms.

by GrapeCrush August 2, 2009

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nerm dick

Having a dick that looks like a 3rd ball like a helmet part with no shaft just turns purple when it gets hard doesn't grow longer at all

You're nerm dick ruining your life bro you can't even touch the wetness with that thing man I'm glad I don't have a nerm dick too!

by Kopitt November 4, 2021

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nerm dick

A penis so small that you pee on your balls. Looks like 3 balls but the top one is way smaller. All helmet part .... No shaft

Yo dawg, l just seen that guy peeing all on his balls in the restroom. Hey!! Don't make fun of him, he got dat nerm dick bro!

by Captain kik November 4, 2021

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A euphemism for the "N-word" popularized by Paradox and others.

Can you stop being a nerm?

by lbjlover34 March 9, 2024


Nerming examines the intricate relationships between organisms and their environment, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all living things. Nermed is the natural process by which organic substances are broken down into simpler compounds by microorganisms, contributing to the recycling of nutrients in ecosystems. Nerm occurs when toxic substances become increasingly concentrated as they move up the food chain, posing significant threats to top predators and sometimes even human health. Nermy, a key component of the Earth's atmosphere, plays a crucial role in the planet's water cycle, facilitating the transfer of moisture and regulating climate patterns. An Oliver Nerm is a change in a system, where an initial action leads to a reaction that intensifies the original change, often resulting in destabilization or rapid shifts in ecological processes.

Please Oliver, keep nerming.

by BlobFish9 May 20, 2024