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a cell phone service with terrible service in all areas except major cities. a service with overpriced phones, overpriced plans, and oversized phones.

Hey check out my new nextel, i can't call anyone because i don't have service, i can't buy gas because i'm broke paying for it, but it is the size of a small dog and almost fits in my pocket.

by Senor Penis November 10, 2004

348πŸ‘ 209πŸ‘Ž


When something fails to perform to expectations, or fails to function at all. Or, just plain sucks!

My phone is about to drop a call "Alex, hold on, my phone is nextellin". Look at that P O S car, it's so nextel.

by CHUCK7 August 23, 2006

89πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


The businessman's phone.

Offers functional "tough phones," as opposed to the traditional "pretty and cute" phones.

Useless unless used by a businessman or professional. Useful for one who gets a lot of phone calls.

The boss carries a Nextel i930. His employee carries Tmobile Mp3 Razr Phone, with Bluetooth.

by sam111111 December 12, 2006

37πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


One of the greatest cell phone service providers with some of the largest (eww) phones. Service features the popular "Direct Connect" which is very similar to the function of a walkie-talkie.

I got nextel.

by the_writer_side June 22, 2004

40πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


To be unintelligible due to digital audio breakup on a cellular phone. This is caused by excessive audio compression, marginal Radio Frequency signal and interference. The result is a sound that somewhat resembles a human voice. Named after the typical communication on Nextel’s Direct Connect service. Frequent users of such a system start to actually understand the gibberish rather than communicate using another technology.

1: Hair bar jew?
2: I’m at the Starbucks, where are you?
1: Muck rim raft rick
2: Okay, take your time. We can talk when you get here, you’re Nextelling on me.
1: Baiter rude

by RadioRay December 28, 2005

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A cell phone company with extremely large phones, and overpriced plans. And the worst service coverage

Nextel is the worst cell phone company

by ashley April 2, 2005

36πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


a fucked up cell phone company that totally destroys the point of having a cell fone witht he direct connect feature.

Why dont u just carry a walkie talkie around instead of using that god damn nextel

by d August 16, 2004

25πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž