light skin man with big dick and absolutely shredded. alpha male as fuck
that guys so Nicco Annan
ex marine, uptight prick bastard, mustache looks like dirty sanchez(look it up), lying, cheating, back stabbing, son of a bastard, splat splat man, jonny bravo lookin motherfucker, dirty douche bag, sucks his own cock... and then some!
I fuckin hate my boss he is a real nicco momma!
12👍 23👎
Appreciate the person named Nicco because they deal with a lot and we should appreciate them :)
Friend: It's national Nicco appreciation day!
Other Friend: Yooo no way!
The act of sliding into the break room to post up by the microwave to look through Grindr matches.
Yo where is the loop driver? He probably pulled a sneaky Nicco!
A pleb that got no sense about game balance or the reality of gameplay
Nicco: Why not add a retarded op gun that always oneshots
Everyone else: Nicco what a plebmin
Plebmin Nicco
A nonce with fat nose and jerks off fifteen times a day. He looks like scp-096 with lanky arm and long skinny legs. Wastes all of his money on parfume and still doesnt get some bitches. And cant play with anyone because hes on ps4 so he sits in the call quiet and alone.
- is that a shark
- no its just Nicco doing the backstroke
Nicco can control chairs. Nicco good. Nicco powerful. Nicco better than you. Nicco is always right. Nicco is fast. Nicco can jump higher than you. Nicco looks better than you. Nicco is best.
Woah look it’s Nicco, I wish I could be more like him!