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WARNING: If you or a friend know or have a "Nichole " watch out ! Do not feed past midnight and Do not let her stay up more then 2 days or you will no longer have a nichole anymore. I'm not sure exactly what it is but it's a crazy hott-mess of a ass hole that normally likes to hit people

And it's not a nice... I repeat .. NOT NICE !

So if you want to keep your nichole a nice ,hot ,nonhitting nichole... stick to the directions above...

Homie #1: Yo ! Wtf? did you feed your nichole past midnight or is it past her bed time ?! Because that bitch is f***ing crazy right now !!

Homie #2: Naw .. f*** that ! you go back in there and put it to sleep ... I'll wait in the bathtub

by WishMFwood December 22, 2019

13πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A totally hot girl that unconsciously attracts skinny white guys.

I got drawn in by a Nichole, dude...I couldn't help myself...

by King of Hobos March 1, 2009

882πŸ‘ 396πŸ‘Ž


Beautiful name for a beautiful woman, both inside and out . Hard working and always strives for excellency in all that she does, weather at work or play she is a go getter.

Nichole always gets the right awnser.

by Nicmambru December 20, 2016

20πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


All around a well balanced individual. She has a smile that lights up the night. The baddest braud you'll ever meet.

Is also the one coined the tag: #midnightmeatrodeo

"Who the fuck is that awesomeoness right there?"
"Who, her? That's Nichole."

by MagicBeardRide December 21, 2016

20πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


She is like a majestic ray of sunshine. She's a gorgeous Italian. When you see her walking by, you just want to pelvic thrust her.

Mmmm....look at that Nichole

by 2013party_hardy October 29, 2010

296πŸ‘ 213πŸ‘Ž


Such an awesome person. Hilarious. One of the funniest you'll meet. Will cut your dick off if you fuck with her. Loves to bake and is obsessed with Disney. Literally obsessed with Disney. Don't talk badly about Disney or she'll kill you. No, seriously, she literally will. She also says "Oh My Lanta" a lot. Loyal. Loves her family. Bottom line: don't mess with her.

Damn, that chick made fun of Disney, if Nichole finds out she's gonna cut a bitch.

by Flyguy21 March 2, 2019

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A sexy, smart, fuckable ass bitch! She’s intelligent and is VERY unique!!

Man, I wish I could fuck Nichole HARD.

by Bigsackman January 8, 2018

11πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž