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The word used to describe a man whose name is Nick and for many reasons is like a disease to you. He torments your mind, heart and soul because you once gave him all of those things out of love, when he loved you...you can no longer fall in love with another man, you can care deeply and even love someone else but you will never EVER feel the blissful joys of being IN LOVE.

After spending so many good years in a marriage with Nick , 8 years after our divorce I still have nickolitis.

by Dindrum May 10, 2017


A person who is a known spooner. Likes to cuddle with small puppies and/or stuffed animals in the shape of dinosaurs. Usually eats dogs, kittens and grass. Is known to get stuff done on the first date.

"I saw a boy spooning with a dinosaur"
"Ah, must be a nickoles"

by hippyhippo March 1, 2010

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discrimination towards people named "nickole". this is caused by the following people, ZOEY, ASH, jeanella, lana, etc..

"wow....they're always mean towards nickole.."
yea, thats nickoleism for ya.."

by melatonin pills April 7, 2021


discrimination towards human beings named "nickole". main causes of this come from the following people, ZOEY, jeanella, ash, lana, etc..

"they really like bullying nickole..."
"yea, thats nickoleism for you.."

by melatonin pills April 7, 2021


Nickolous is a handsome man that thinks of others and care for others and never like to get Angry at any one and always thinks of everyone and doubt himself when he make mistakes

Girl 1 He is a handsome loyal man

Girl 2 he was a keeper but i let him go

Girl 3 Nickolous has help me through a break up and been there for me when I needed him

by Permaculture Terabyte November 24, 2021


Nickol is an amzing person outgoing passionate and determined , she also is an amazing friend and an amazing person ,she always is there to keep you company and always there for you if you need someone to talk to for any problem that is notjering you and she will give you the best advis,she faces problems with humor. She is also gorgeous everyone whants to date her esspesialy Jack Avery (from the best band on earth WHY DONT WE) that she is evventually going to marry in the future

Wow she is so cool she must be a nickol

by WDW_HP_FAN April 7, 2018


She is a quiet person at first but once you get to know her she is very crazy and loud and hyper. She doesn't like fake people or annoying people. She is funny and not fake. She loves food and her family.

"That must be Nickole over there making noise."

by Tim29 November 23, 2021