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In a colloquial sense, being Niggered usually refers to a state of incorrectness, inaccuracy, error or miscalculation in any number of contexts. More specifically, being Niggered refers to a situation wherein an individual has made an error or misjudgment.

"You really niggered your car in that accident"
"I can't believe you niggered that class"
"Is there a TV on my warranty? I think it's niggered."

by estuans0interius January 4, 2008

12๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


(Verb-past tense), the act of being stolen from by a smelly stupid sub-ape nigger.

Joe: Look at all those filthy niglets trained to steal from birth.
Bill: Got niggered last time. Even wild chimpanzees are more well behaved.

Joe: Didn't you know Chimpanzees and other ape species evolved from niggers ?

by VeryAngryDude November 18, 2020


When you get gangbanged by another team on a battle royale game

Guy 1: โ€œyo what just happened there, you didnโ€™t mark himโ€
Guy 2: โ€œyo we just got niggeredโ€

by Brandensgayfriend March 27, 2019

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


When someone or something does you wrong, or you have been done wrong (possibly in a ghetto fashion) or you've been cheated or dipped or juped.

Caroline: Man, I just ran outta cheese for my nachos. Lemme go get a refill. Hopefully their free.
Adam: Okay.
Caroline: Hey, can I get a refill on my cheese?
Consession stand guy: It's $1.50

by Ballsack soup October 27, 2011

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To be triggered but your black

Tyrone is always niggered

by Soccer lord March 11, 2017

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When a nigger takes hold of your wife or steals your life

Man: this fucking nigger niggered me!
Cop: whats his name? i think he has an unpaid ticket

by Herstaculues November 19, 2016

2๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

niggers nigger

Someone who is total bitch, receives welfare and has not worked in 10+ years. Also known as shama shirtless

Sam: "you are a niggers nigger."

by Shamma llama June 25, 2014

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