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north west miami

tha real ghetto of miami along wit overtown carol city and all dat shit tha place where tha real drug deals go down. mary j ta tha celings llallo by tha pound n robberys lik everyday unlik mango hill and hialeah this is tha ghetto street life goes down here.

"Ten quidado con los locos de north west miami que te ceman el pecho, Que tu saves de las casas llena de herba astall techo?"

by Dr. Whyty Killa September 30, 2006

9πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

north north west eyes

When an inexperienced manager is asked a simple question, and rather than answer will move their eyes to the compass points North North West to South South East in a rapid fashion. Often accompanied by a Fear Boner.

Officer A: So did you ask him if the meeting was going ahead?
Officer B: Yeah, but he started giving me the fuckin North North West eyes then disappeared to the gents.
Officer A: Did he have a Fear Boner as well?
Officer B: I didn't look to be perfectly honest.

by numlash February 24, 2016

north west sucks

This is gay

NWHS Computers are sl00w

by Anonymous May 1, 2003

5πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

West North West West West West West West West North Virginia

In an alternate universe, This is the name for Oregon.

Person 1: Have you been to West North West West West West West West West North Virginia?
Person 2: No
Person 1: You should go there, they have really nice forests

by Kim Jong-Ill May 27, 2020

4πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž

Council Rock North 3rd Floor West

Out of a school district with ten thousand kids, it is safe to say only around a dozen of them have ever been to 3rd floor west. 3rd floor west always smells like dying animals, and has no purpose aside from providing the freshmen girls with a bathroom to gossip in and giving hallways for students to walk around in when they take a bathroom pass and leave their boring 3rd floor East class for 20 minutes.

Half the classrooms are always empty, and the other classes are honors classes that are only used for 2 classes a day. Nobody has been there, and nobody knows what goes down there.

β€œWhat happens in Council Rock North 3rd Floor West?”

β€œI heard Biggie and Tupac chill there from time to time. Can’t confirm, never been there.”

by saturdaysarefortheboyss July 28, 2020

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

North west middle school

This school sucks they burnt my tater tots and its understaffed and uncleanly drug fun and insane children... SOOOOOOOOOO MANY EMOS EVERYWHHERE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

North west middle schools sucks

by nathan coxs May 23, 2023

North West Virginia

North West Virginia is the state of Ohio.

I am going to a Browns’ game in crazy ass North West Virginia.

by Purplenado March 5, 2023