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A fake word made up by disabled people so they can feel special

Note: Yes, disabled people are discriminated in some cases, and things shouldn't be that way, but come on, shut your damn mouth about "OOOOOOOOOOO YOUR ABLEIST"

"Retarded is an ableist word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -some dumbass

by The Meat Man has sex July 24, 2022

23👍 95👎


Someone, who like the Misogynist, hates people with physical appearances but yet denies it. A misogynist is against both the feminists and the feminazis. However, the ableist has the illogical mindset that involves all people with disabilities as mental retards, contends that they be fixed, and believes they get infected with being a retard if they come in contact with them. They insult them in front of public places and think that they were funny until if luck would have it, they get disabled in the carwreak or less likely, if they have a child inside of them with the disability as they tend to abort them. More likely they're going to learn from experience when they found out that they were wrong about those with disabilities.

Adolf Hitler <---That's person's a retarded ableist.

by Sasquatch_Rebel May 1, 2008

83👍 520👎


A PERSON or People who discriminate or social prejudice against people WITHOUT disabilities. Someone who judges or makes fun of someone WITHOUT a disability or handicap.

"This competition is only open to disabled people..."

"There doesn't seem to be a word for this type of discrimination, Ableist or Ableism is the closest thing I could find."

by Nox-13 January 4, 2022

4👍 26👎