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Notre Dame Prep

A school packed with white kids in North Scottsdale. Known for the harsh drug testing and vape sensors. Students can sometimes be pretentious pricks as their parents buy them the world

Person 1: “What school do you go to?”
Person 2: “Notre Dame Preparatory”
Person 1: *scoffs* “Well exscuse me, dont need to rub it in my face.”

by azschools November 27, 2018

2👍 1👎

notre dame prep

You know you went to NDP when:

-Your collection of ribbons grew to be larger than your wardrobe
-You still wear your saddle shoes because they are so worn in and comfortable
-Your blue dress has a multitude of holes and rips, and you wouldn’t have it any other way
-You can’t even begin to count the number of times you got in trouble for not having a belt
-You had to wear your name tag every day, although it somehow always managed to be “on order”
-Christmas liturgy was the best ever
-You always wondered what was behind the creepy little door by the locker rooms
-Gym Meet was life
-Every time something important happened, the entire school knew about it in a matter of 5 minutes
-You own more t-shirts, polo’s, pearl necklaces, and pairs of lacrosse shorts than you can count
-You spent every free period you ever had pigging out on French fries in the cafeteria or watching 80’s movies in the Senior lounge
-Your shorts always hung below your dress, no matter how many times you rolled them up
-Tree trim was an annual occasion
-Almost everything you owned was in your class colors
-Everything else you owned was pink
-You watched a bunch of fathers dress up in uniforms and dance around the stage every December
-You camped out starting at 5:00 in the morning just to get Saturday night Gym Meet tickets
-You played nose goes with your friends every day after lunch to decide who was going to wipe off the table
-You wore your blue dress anywhere you went after school, and got a bunch of weird looks while doing it
-You wore your saddles to AA dance Senior year
-You only went to meetings if there was free food offered
-Your socks were never regulation length
-You decorated the city of Towson the Thursday before Gym Meet every year
-You still swear you’ll wear your gym tunic when you’re pregnant
-Your classmates became your sisters
-You dreaded swimming class each week and always tried to convince your teacher to let you not swim
-Your car windows were painted in your class colors the first week of March every year
-You lived for the days when the cafeteria served chicken tenders and taco salad
-You begged your religion teacher to go to the meditation room every class
-Ring Day was the greatest day of your life
-You went swimming in the pool with your clothes on after Senior farewell liturgy
-You over-annunciated the “t” in “white” when you sang the school song at assembly every Wednesday
-You always wondered what the purpose of checking out was
-Your shoe laces were never actually tied
-You still remember all of your Gym Meet songs and every dance and aerobics routine you ever memorized
-You’ll never forget Junior Retreat and the New York trip- the two greatest trips you went on while you were there
-You continue to wear your gold and onyx ring on a daily basis
-You loved every little stupid tradition the school had
-You will always consider yourself to be

For those who went to Notre Dame Prep, no explanation is needed. For those who didn't go to Notre Dame Prep, no explanation is possible.

by ndp6487 May 3, 2006

138👍 74👎

notre dame prep

only at ndp...continued

-are your saddles the most comfortable things you own, and wear them everywhere with pride
-is your uniform the second most comfortable thing you own and you wear it for as long as you can (sometimes even to bed)
-your the only girl who actually buys boxers for herself to wear under her uniform
-do you get yelled at for not having a name tag, for not cleaning your lunch table (ew DEATON), for having a tshirt hanging out of your uniform, for shorts too long, for parking in the seniors spot, for coming 10 seconds late to homeroom, for wearing socks too low, or uniforms too short, for not having a sash attached to your uniform, for eating in class or homeroom, sleeping in mass etc,etc,etc
-no matter how many times you get yelled at, you ALWAYS do it again the next day
-do certain people have designated slutty uniforms to wear to the boys lacrosse games after school
-the lacrosse team is amazing, but the soccer team is sometimes good too
-sometimes you find yourself searching all over the caf floor for dropped change so you can buy MORE food
-do you count on POW to save your math grade. hence you never study for anything
-do you swim in the pool with all of your clothes on senior year
-something about that sisterly class bonding...can never get enough

Barbara Barr: you might want to pull up your shorts

by ndpppp April 21, 2005

199👍 115👎

notre dame prep

the school where everyone else thinks the uniforms are ugly and that gym meet has no meaning... yet the girls of NDP love their uniforms so much that they bring them to college and wear them out on halloween and gym meet is the reason for living.

gym meet, outsiders will never understand.

we love our maid outfits

by ndp girl April 18, 2005

219👍 129👎

notre dame prep

the best school in maryland with one of the toughest highschool lacrosse teams in the friggin sport. enough said.

aka NDP

no need for an example really...

by Bartel November 14, 2004

224👍 180👎

notre dame prep

i guess ahme really knows their shit huh? its funny how you think that ndp sucks when really you either couldnt get in or one of us rejected you...in either case, im real sorry. that sucks. as for the definition of ndp, let me set a few things straight:

-yes we love to eat.
-no we are not bullemic or aneorexic, i'm sorry that you are fatter.
-no we are not sluts.
-yes your boyfriends love us, don't hate us because we're hot.
-yes some of us make out with our friends.
-no we are not lesbians...once again, your boyfriends love us.
-yes gym meet rocks, often immitaded never dublicated.
-no you will never understand gym meet if you don't go to ndp.
-no maryvale's can't compare.
-yes we can drink.
-yes we do drugs.
-no we are not crackwhores.
-yes our uniforms are ugly.
-yes we make them look hotter then you ever could.
-yes we date loyola boys, calvert hall boys, st. paul's boys, BL boys....the list goes on.
-no we do not wear ribbons on our heads, time to update the stereotype.
-yes we will go to a better college then you
-no we will never forget one another when we go
-yes we will marry rich, drive suburbans, and be milfs
-yes you will be working for our husbands
-no we are not snobs
-yes we are better then you ever could be
-no you are not cooler then us.

-dude there's an ndp girl
-man..i wish i could be like her

by ndp pride May 4, 2005

125👍 178👎

notre dame prep

ndp pride,
Clearly you will get into a better college then the rest of us.
Oh yeah you spelled anorexic, bulimic, imitated, and duplicated wrong.

Wow, I think you're smarter then me!
(nope, maybe not)

Good try though!


^I think that speaks for itself!

by You're smartttttt May 8, 2005

120👍 171👎