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notti osama

my baby, the finest out the grouppp. made the best music n he was never an ungreatful bitch like his brother dd osama. ddot also better, thats my #2 bae.

"have u heard of notti osama? he hella fine yo!"

"thats wha i saiddd. def better den dd"

by ya mama bitch February 15, 2023

9πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Notti osama

Notti osama is the most finest baby boy you will ever meet. Notti will make u so wet u would think you pissed yourself. He will fuck The shit out of you if you ever try playin with him. Notti is the most loyalist person you will ever meet he’s a keeper

Notti osama

by Notti osama girl friend πŸ’‹ October 23, 2022

10πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž