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No Nuance November

In November you can give your hot takes/controversial opinions on anything and then refuse to go more into depth about what you mean

Person 1: White people can only experience racial prejudice but not racism.
Person 2: What do you mean that?
Person 1: It's no nuance November I don't have to explain it.

by taze you in your ball sack November 20, 2020

32👍 10👎


Ok, first of: Everything I've said has been said before or other people have expressed a similar sentiment, yeah? Maybe in a more tactful way but that's not what this is about. The 'walking holes to fill' is similar to a Patrice O'Neal joke from the 90's, alright? I'm still morally in the clear. AND it's not an abstract group. Most of these are a direct response to a quote from someone. Word for word. I'm not picking a person and then just fabricating a sentence they've never said just to argue against it. Get it? Some guy says *this* 👈 I responde to 👉 *this*. It's not like I'm pulling things out of I'm ass.

Iam "Aw, see? Now even she's doing it. Son of a bitch!"

Hym "Can you believe this guy!? I know how you know about the thing! Getting it to spread outside of my immediate vicinity is kind of the point. This isn't new to me. Alright? Your participation is the point of all this. I'm watching the number of people doing it increase. I can see people who weren't doing it start to do it. You idiots will reference everything EXCEPT the 'I'm either schizophrenic or people are doing the thing that YOU are doing' and you're making it some bullshit lesson about the power of friendship. Not useful. None of this is doing anything for me."

Iam "Yeah, see it. You know, I find this a little condescending. Insinuating that I am not using the correct amount of cynicism and/or glibness..."

Hym "I like that you acknowledged the fat cock/me-being-a-profound-and-quality-individual dichotomy. I noticed that too but, again, none of this is useful. What I need is the thing and person responsible... And to find my hammer."

Iam "You know, people have already said that I'm responsible for it because there are consequences..."

Hym "And what is consequence to these people saying there are consequences to things? Is there no consequence? That's convenient. You know? To the thing you're actively doing? Is there a consequence to that? No? Jesus' You people are fucking wild. And MY ability to see nuance is askew. MY ability for introspection is being called into question. 🙄"

by Hym Iam June 4, 2022

1👍 10👎

no nuance november

no nuance november is an amazing trend started by @abolish_ice on tik tok. you give a hot political take without providing any additional information and allow the viewers to come up with some explanation for it. this allows people to think for themselves without being spoon feed information.

however, this trend was taking by a bunch of dumb fucks who say shit like “LGBTQ+ wouldn’t exist without capitalism” or “being a liberal in america is a privilege”. other dumb hot takes are blatantly anti-semitic and the people who made them should be bullied off the internet. was a cool trend though.

“it’s no nuance november day 21! ben shapiro is sexy and smart”

bro wtf?”
so true! 🤪🙌”
“why is he kinda onto something? 😳”

by dickdestroyer556 November 22, 2020

9👍 4👎

Nuance Bro

An individual who engages in bad faith; concern-trolling about a lack of nuance in other people's beliefs, but only to people they disagree with as a tactic to bog someone down in minutiae, and keep them from staying on a clear and effective message.

Steve and Gavin got into a big debate, but when Steve saw that nobody was taking his side, he weaseled his way out of looking like a total loser by bogging everyone down in nuance bro bullcrap.

by Unngaa Bunngaa August 27, 2020

13👍 33👎

No Nuance November

No Nuance November is a trend on TikTok where in the month of November people will give their hot takes on any opinion/subject they want. No holding back. You also are not required to explain or provide context for this opinion.

“Here’s my hot take for No Nuance November, Nutella is overrated.”

“Here’s my hot take for No Nuance November, you all need to stop acting like ranch is good. It’s not.”

by Mercedes💙✨ November 16, 2020

1👍 1👎

Senator Nuance

The less-than-enthralling John Kerry.

Senator Nuance and his running-mate, the Breck Girl, are coming to town.

by David G. Epstein August 10, 2004

7👍 29👎



Yeshiva University's nuanced views are a cover for their homophobia

by Yeshiva University should be s May 30, 2021