The first person you see after you tell someone, "here hold my beer".
Nurse~ What's the problem
Guy~ I rolled down a hill drunk and well you know what happend.
Nurse~ Ok the Doctor will be in soon.
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Most underappreciated health profession, as indicated by the ridiculous staff ratios in hospitals. Without them, patients are screwed.
Person 1: I can't believed it! Went to the hospital today, and instead got a nurse practitioner to help me. How dare they!
Person 2: How about you stfu. They actually know their shit.
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V. The act of drinking a beer very slowly with the intent of not getting drunk at all or actually wasting brew.
Todd: Mike's been drinkin that same beer for like two hours now.
Jon:He's not even drunk. Everyone else is wrrrrecked. He's nursing that shit like a lil bitch
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A health care professional who has been educated and trained to care for the sick, in hospitals, or other health facilities.
Nurses are assigned to patients in hospitals and look after their physical health (disease prevention and treatment) as well as their emotional and mental health.
Registered nurse (RN): Attended university for three years
(not be comfused with enrolled nurse or assistant in nursing)
The registered nurse studied at university for three years
The nurse administered the injection to the patient
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" The most trusted professional"
The person that just got paid 30 dollars to save your life,
The person that put those bruises on your chest 5 minutes before you opened your eyes, took your first breath and complained about the bruise on your chest.
The person that stuck your vein with that terrible stuff that burns when you were blue and not breathing.
The person that went 15 hours with no food, rest or toileting to fluff your pillows.
The person that is there to save your ass, not kiss it.
The most unappreciated professional
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The hottest, sexiest, most desirable of all the possible fantasies involving a woman. There is nothing more kinky than the thought of a stunning girl in a short nurses uniform coming to check up on you every 15 minutes and performing your every whim. Brilliant.
Matt: 'What do you think of Rachael?'
Jim: 'She's a nurse, I'd give my right nut for her in that uniform.'
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To hold on to the same beer all night and drink it very slowly, if at all. Can also describe a person who does this often. Frequent nursing has been scientifically linked to membership in the babysitters club.
Ray: "My brother's going to school to be a chef."
Jay: "DUUUUUDE that is SOOOOOO LAAAAAME! Cooking is for girls, man. He must be gay or something."
Ray: "Shut up, man. You shouldn't be talking. It's better than being a nurse like you."
Jay: "What do you mean, dude? I ain't no bitch-ass nurse."
Ray: "Hell yeah you've been holding onto that same beer ever since you got here! Want me to get you a sippy cup for that thing?"
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