Source Code

Nutella and Ham Sandwich

When you're doing anal with a chick and get shit on your cock, so you take it out and wipe it on her pussy flaps.

Yo bro, I saw Kyle give Eryn a Nutella and Ham Sandwich last weekend! It was so gross.

by PillyWillyKP September 11, 2019

Nutella Sandwich

This is the result of dropping a nasty deuce only to find there is no toilet paper. Victims of this situation will have to get up, while still soiled, and find a new source to wipe them clean. This action of standing up causes the fecal matter to be pressed between the buns of the victim creating a sandwich-like situation in their pants. You can also think of this like the Rorschach ink blot test, but much shittier.

That guy just took a dump and there's no toilet paper; Is he rocking a Nutella Sandwich...?

by A-Fizzle-My-Nizzle December 12, 2019