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Stands for "Orbán egy Geci", which is Hungarian for "Orbán (Hungarian PM) is an asshole", though literally "geci" means cum/jizz. The full phrase was coined by Lajos Simicska, a former FIDESZ oligarch, who turned against Orbán in 2015. The three character abbriviation gained popularity during the protests in December 2018. Since then, anyone could express their discontent with the government with just 3 characters, making it highly excessable for graffiti, of just scribbles in a school desks. By now, its usage, even in most opposition circles, especially in spoken language, falls into the chategory of cringe.

I can't believe what Orbán just said, truly, the government is a bunch of lying crooks, I gonna go to a protest this sunday. Orbán fuck of!!!! O1G!!!!!

by Altair73 May 25, 2020


Orbán egy geci


by O1G December 19, 2018


This term is normally used as a pet name of Viktor Orban, who is the prime minister of Hungary." This acronym is a code which works like a swastika, and gives me a lot of power in my life" said Mr. Orban.

-I just saw the good ol' O1G while he ate some expensive shit at the Gundel!
-Are you fokin serious? This guy is a cracker motherfucker, huh? I heard that he can kill all the immigrants in the name of the holy Donald Trump, be careful

by got_a_light March 9, 2019