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one-guyed or one-manned is notably used on Twitch and refers to when a streamer with a sizable chat gives attention to a chatter by arguing with that chatter as if that chatter speaks for a large amount of chat.

XQC and Malena tend to go on long rants because they let themselves get one-guyed often. It's annoying because you can sit there for minutes wondering who they're talking to.

by Todd Shepherds February 21, 2022

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That One Guy

We all know him...

Person 1: Oh! You know who I saw today? It was... ummm... what's his name... you know, that one guy?
Person 2: Oh, yeah. Him.

by Toast13 January 28, 2009

144๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

One guy

A term used by Vinesauce Joel, a Swedish Vinesauce Twitch streamer when only a single person says they're either having sound or video issues, or when they suggest that something could be done in the game Joel is playing, but it actually can't be done.

Random person in chat: "Joel your stream is lagging, please fix"
Joel: "Is the stream lagging?"
Everyone other than the first guy in chat: "Nope"
Joel: "One guy? Alright..." *continues to stream*

by octagonlord69 May 17, 2020

51๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

That One Guy

A person who stands out above everyone else, usually in a sarcastically negative way.

Timmy wanted to be That One Guy and decided to smash his friend's face into the cake. Hey, if he wasn't gonna do it, someone else was gonna do it. Let's be honest, it's inevitable.

by Eapple1145 August 27, 2016

21๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

that one guy

not a particual guy, just a guy that you can point to

"Hey! That one guy over there is wearing shoes!"

by Mikey Maris Migillicutty June 24, 2003

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one fucking guy

Just one person doing something that needs many people to help with.

OFG = one fucking guy

So our Congress sucks. I'm just one fucking guy, do you think I can do anything about it?

So Congress is being bribed left and right by corporations. Our democracy is disappearing, but I'm just one fucking guy. Do you think I can do anything about it?

I'm just OFG, that's not going to go far with the fucked up mess we have in Congress.

Congress passed the Affordable Care Act. It created the new IRS where you have to buy insurance from the companies you hate. I'm just one fucking guy and can't stop this insanity without help.

The Affordable Care Act is bullshit. Congress says don't raise taxes, just make everything privatized so the people pay more. I'm just one fucking guy and can't stop this insanity without help.

by euphemismo November 26, 2010

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That one guy

A lone wolf who stands alone. Strong and reliable.

Yeah, that one guy is really helpful.

by SamisSamandjustSam December 13, 2017

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