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any living thing, not to be confused with orgasm

by gribble February 1, 2003

451๐Ÿ‘ 119๐Ÿ‘Ž


A grocery term for twice as expensive

My wife always buys organic. That's why I have no money.

by Jimgaf March 1, 2014

73๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


n. Yet another term for the male member.

My biatch loves to play my organ.

by D'emon November 26, 2002

175๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) In chemistry, a term used to describe any molecule held together by a chain of carbon atoms.

2) Used to describe the characteristics of a living system (for example a creature's body or an entire habitat) consisting of smoothly running interacting parts and shaped by the processes of Darwinian evolution.

3) As an analogy in the creative process, used to describe a work such as a novel or movie script made in such a way that the various parts developed as they were written/painted/whatever, one from another, rather than sticking rigidly to a preconceived plan.

4) In popular culture, a term applied in line with the most rabid intentions of New Age pseudoscience, ultimately from the mouths of people who would like to have scientists burned at the stake. Much favoured by people who use chemical as an unqualified snarl word. Artificial fertilisers are decried as poison, despite the fact that they contain the same chemical compounds that plants derive from "natural" fertilisers; if these compounds were real poisons, our biosphere would have been in serious doo-doo long ago. Anything coming from a lab is allegedly ipso facto evil and foul, even if its molecular structure is identical to that of compounds found in Nature. Genetic engineering is seen as the foul left hand of Satan, based on arguments that are about as rational as those for the existence of the fellah downstairs, too. Organic farming is held by its propagandists to be the farming of the future ... and it might be, at least if the human population of the Earth drops by 99 percent. Typical stock in trade arguments from the "organic" movement, as elsewhere in the witchypoo "alternative" movement, consist of appeals to fear, to irrationality and to conspiracy theories about Big Business ... but, such has been the success of the propaganda campaign over the last few decades, nobody seems to subject "organic" produce to the same safety standards. "Organic" production requires far more acreage than conventional farming methods to produce the same yield. It is typically shilled for by celebrities, who after all often have more money than sense and can afford to buy the stuff, and much beloved of fad dieters who don't eat that much anyway. All in all, one of the movements that make one genuinely fearful for the future of our technological civilisation.

Cobra venom is an organic molecule.

The book just developed organically.

If your carrots are organic, are you sure you have washed off ABSOLUTELY ALL the horse-shit?

by Fearman August 25, 2007

305๐Ÿ‘ 120๐Ÿ‘Ž


A marketing strategy.


by simbazorro December 13, 2008

152๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž


Any man, woman or child that has not received the COVID-19 vaccine or booster manufactured by Modern, Pfizer or AstraZeneca. Therefore maintaining natural human genetics within the body.

I am so proud to have natural human genetics and no signs of the lab made Covid-19 and/or one or many of its variants. I am a rare breed of Organics left in this world.

by Jamie Howard September 2, 2021

21๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


A.K.A "ottests" (nugyupm fans) in the Kpop world. Infamous for being delusional.

These organisms like to spazz over two faced, arrogant, rude, untalented, plastic, backstabbing steroid users such as ok tent, hwang thief, chinsu, nich eye spasms, jang organism, and junwho. organisms/ottests mistake themselves as Hottests (there's no such thing as Hottests anymore). They think they are the shit and everyone agrees that they are, indeed, full of shit. People belonging to various fan clubs hate organisms because they adopt their behaviors such as shit talking from nugyupm. Orgs enjoy mob attacks and bullying on the internet. They piss everyone off by stealing other fan club's colors, talking shit about talented artists, and blindly "supporting" backstabbers. organisms think they are the best fans in the world but not even 3% of the fan club actually buy CDs while the rest downloads. Yes, less than three percent even though shitpm don't really have fans. Some ottests even hate nugyupm but "supports" these nobodies because they are "fans" of certain other nugyus. Orgs prove that they do not think nugyus are talented because they chanted " STRIP" instead of "Encore (for their so call singing/dancing) at nugyus' failed concert. Which leads to another conclusion that organisms or ottests are horny little girls.

Yes... these organisms and nugyupm are not even important enough to be capitalized and be respected.

-"OMFGGGG Thank You is such a good song!! I can tell the thief's vocal is improving!! His voice cracks 30 times in a song instead of 35!!"
-"organisms have trouble with their hearings or something!"

by IWantaUsernameChangeOnSoompi August 31, 2010

129๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž