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pdw school

A “pdw” school is a pro dominantly white school.

I’m one of five non-white kids at my pdw school.

by Jd_101010 January 16, 2023


A gun used in call of duty black ops 2. this is a fully automatic machine gun. the different sights you can have are target finder, millimeter scanner, dual band, red dot, reflex, holographic, and the iron sight.

my favorite is the millimeter scanner (MMS) sight with the silencer on the PDW-57. Because the MMS sight can look through walls so it makes it easier to shot the enemies.

BTW im a girl

by kc kemp April 2, 2013

7👍 11👎


Public display of wealth.
To show off money publicly.
To rather give publicly than privately.

He’d rather give a million dollars in a PDW than give a cent privately

by TheRealSamflow September 17, 2022


The post-divorce whore, or PDW, is akin to the old school player. She pretends to be looking for a relationship to manipulate men into bed (like that requires skill), then plays the victim to bail or simply ghost her victims. Bro tip-if she's cheated in a relationship, bashes on her ex, been in a threesome(s)...she's not relationship material.

Divorced Dad - Dude, check out this new Indiana cougar on Hinge I met--she checks all the boxes!
Coach - Yeah bro, no; she has way more male FB friends than females...classic PDW.
Divorced Dad - PDW?
Coach - Post-Divorce Whore - She'll tear your heart out, bro.

by beedub75 October 27, 2021

Post-Divorce Whore - PDW

The post-divorce whore, or PDW, is akin to the old school player. She pretends to be looking for a relationship to manipulate men into bed (like that requires skill), then plays the victim to bail or simply ghost her victims. Bro tip-if she's cheated in a relationship, bashes on her ex, been in a threesome(s)...she's not relationship material.

Divorced Dad - Dude, check out this new Indiana cougar on Hinge I met--she checks all the boxes!
Coach - Yeah bro, no; she has way more male FB friends than females...classic PDW.
Divorced Dad - PDW?
Coach - Post-Divorce Whore - PDW...She'll tear your heart out, bro.

by beedub75 October 27, 2021

PDW (Play, Dinner, Work)

The dream items? The ultimate work-hards in the closet? They meet the PDW criteria. Styles that span across the three facets of our life—Play, Dinner, Work. Not everything can be created with an eye towards this functionality—but when a piece nails it, it’s worth noting and having.

Person 1: Before we go to dinner I have to go home and change. I’ve been at work all day! Do you need to change?

Person 2: Nope! I wore my PDW (Play, Dinner, Work) pieces. They work for so many occasions, I can go from work to dinner without having to go home and change.

by Iamcreativepragmatist August 6, 2021