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PREmenstrual syndrome. I'm surprised to see how dumb people are. This is NOT a period!! This is a time BEFORE a period when there are hormonal imbalances causing the symptoms that men hate. But woman can't help it so don't criticize them because you don't know what it's like.

Sometimes I feel stupid afterward when I overreact about things because of my bad PMS...

by iluvRHCP January 24, 2009

485๐Ÿ‘ 180๐Ÿ‘Ž


A phrase used by an asshat man as an argument-ending device to discredit a woman's entirely valid criticisms of him, especially to a public audience of other males.

The use of the phrase 'pre-menstrual' will be applied regardless of what point in her menstrual cycle she is, or if she even menstruates at all.

Any attempt to point this inaccuracy out will be shouted down with an exclamation of "Ew! TMI!"

Female Coworker: Harry, could you please not loudly discuss your sex tour to Amsterdam whilst I am on the phone to a client? It is rather unbusinesslike.
Male Asshat Coworker: Oooo... *to whole office* SALLY'S PMSing! Run for your lives!

by magnetron April 6, 2008

173๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž


Men act like it is a big deal to them but to a girl it is an even bigger deal because they are the ones going through it.

Katie: that answer is wrong


Katie: wtf

by Randomgrl21 July 11, 2018

12๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


when a girl is on her period and gets mad when you say something that would normally just piss her off a little bit.
this is probably because she's experiencing horrible cramps while at the same time being accused of using her period as an excuse not to please her man.
whoever thinks a period is torture for MEN is seriously misguided. swallow a ravenous squirrel, sit there until it claws itself out while a tampon is up your ass and maybe you'll feel differently.

not all girls go through bad PMS, like me, for instance. i'm lucky that way, I usually just curl up in pain and try to avoid any talking.

by ihateperiods. January 31, 2008

671๐Ÿ‘ 292๐Ÿ‘Ž


PMS stands for premenstrual Syndrome. Guys often refer it to the worst time of the month and think that every time that a girl is mad that they're pmsing. PMSing includes cramps, tiredness and crying about a blanket that doesn't cover your feet.

Sally: ugh why can't you just do this right Jim!
Jim: someone's pmsing
Sally: ( - J - )

by Grandgab August 7, 2017

16๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


(Pre Menstral Sydrome)

The time of the month when a girl has her period. She becomes bloated has stomach aches, head aches, becomes moody because her hormones go fucking crazy (remember being a teenager?), and to top it all off, bleeds uncontrollably out her vagina. This can begin as early as age eight (Nature is an unforgiving bitch) or as late as the age sixteen (Nature taugths those who got their curse in third grade) Sometimes earlier or later.

Most men often do not understand this because they have never expirenced it and often say that she is just being a bitchy cunt because she can be.

(btw most guys that I met that even have a small headcold are really bitchy and lash out at every one so I think that men would be way worse then women at having PMS, but maybe thats just the guys I know)

by Sparkiee February 3, 2008

148๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž


Pre-Menstrual Syndrome. An array of symptoms that comes from a hormonal upset as a woman's body prepares to either become pregnant or expel an unfertilized ovary. Can involve cramping, water retention, mood swings, spontaneous stimulation, etc.

PMS is no fun for anyone.

by ke6isf July 9, 2004

2623๐Ÿ‘ 1298๐Ÿ‘Ž