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Land of the Pure, where everyone actually does 'love their neighbours'. They've got their issues-such as social injustice and the most fucked up government known to modern times, but at then end of the day, as a nation they are unique! United and Patriotic, Pakistanis everywhere are proud, and the say it loud!

Also, they're good looking as hell. Pakistan Foreva!

by yetagain April 18, 2009

712๐Ÿ‘ 785๐Ÿ‘Ž


A country where people think terrorism originated. They're probably right and, to be honest, I don't blame them. I mean, Pakistan gets a lot of bad press from the media because of a small group of people thinking that if they blow up a few buildings, they will go to heaven. Well, they're wrong. It does nothing but kill innocent people and makes the media brainwashes more people into thinking that Pakistan is the worst place on Earth. As a fourteen year old Muslim girl, I find it offending to read what people have written about Pakistan. But it's not their fault. It's the terrorists fault for giving Pakistan a bad name. But then, I also think that people are ignorant when they are asked to describe Pakistan. Yes, women are treated unfairly but they do not get raped and/or killed every eight minutes. If that did happen, don't you think the media would have written something about it by now? And yes, the political side of Pakistan is failing. Miserably. Sometimes I think I should go out there and run for President because the last few have been utterly useless. If I were President, I'd build more orphanages and more women's refuges because I've been to some of the poorest areas in Pakistan and what I saw, I'll never forget. There was this one boy who was in a thin pair Shalwar Kameez, on the side of the motorway because his parent's had kicked him out or they had died. It's not that parent's don't look after their children, it's because they can't afford to. Would any of us be able to have 10+ children and live on 50p a week? I don't think so. So it'd be nice to see people stop making ignorant comments about the condition of Pakistan and how the women and children are treated because, frankly, they deserve better than that, don't you think?

Person 1: I hate the Paki's

Person 2: Why?

Person 1: They blew up the Twin Towers

Person 2: You shouldn't hate them because of that. It wasn't their fault.

Person 1: Oh my God, are you a Paki lover now?

Person 2: No, I just think it wasn't the whole of Pakistan's fault for the bombing of the Twin Towers

Person 1: Errr! Paki Lover!

by Qudrat August 20, 2008

194๐Ÿ‘ 233๐Ÿ‘Ž


Pakistan's a great place!sure it has some demerits(ok,so more than a few)but you have to accept that its a developing nation (and a lot of people who totally love using strong words and have never been there love to write and say that paki ppl are terrorists,fact:they are not!good and bad is everywhere)the people here are poor and the police is very bad,they should be in jail,yes!But Karachi is the best!we have all these malls,and local shops with all the yummiest food EVER!
For all those who haven't been to Pakistan,its a wonderful place,and we're developing into a better place still.What i personally love abot it is the food!and the malls!our local surprises(u know 'em if u've been here as a pakistani!:)

Pakistan is a fun place with a lotta good food and malls(in Karachi!)Its developing still but will be done soon.It rocks!

by malyha December 20, 2005

148๐Ÿ‘ 219๐Ÿ‘Ž


A country in South Asia. It has the second fastest growing economy in the world. It also has nukes and it beats India all the time in cricket.

Pakistan beat India in cricket again.

by Andrew N July 27, 2005

390๐Ÿ‘ 681๐Ÿ‘Ž


A great country designed to be at complete peace. It hasn't reached the point yet but it's getting there.
It really depends on the people you know in Pakistan to actually get an opinion.
The stupid 'do u wan my frandship' stereotype isn't really accurate. There are tons of classy people in Pakistan who does bother standing out like the other illiterate types.
The majority of Pakistanis to be associated with (the ones in the upper and upper-middle classes) are polite and really know how to have fun.
Pakistani women are usually shy at first but can turn out to be party animals if you can get then out of their shells or loosen up with a few drinks.
Paki is pretty cool. The country needs improvement but the people are great.

"We're going to Pakistan this winter because apparently, it snowed in the capital city (not a common occurance)"

by Mara February 5, 2005

280๐Ÿ‘ 479๐Ÿ‘Ž


The single country left on Earth which is not boring.

Person A: Where you from?
Person B: From Pakistan.
Person C: Dang, I wish I was from there.

by paki_Hulk April 24, 2010

107๐Ÿ‘ 179๐Ÿ‘Ž


A country compromised of four disparate ethnic races united by history, tradition and religion. Was formed in 1947 with the enthusiastic support of India's Muslims to defend their religio-political rights. Has fought 3 wars with India over the Muslim majority Kashmir region. Kashmiris tend to support Pakistan in Cricket matches and would prefer Pakistan over Ram Raj (take it from a Kashmiri. Kher Chus Kashmiris). Hence enraged Indians take to the internet to vent their pent up frustration. (See below). Is often accused of harboring and helping terrorists, overlooking the fact that they hide in the inaccessible and never once occupied/directly ruled Tribal Areas and that support stems from the Afghanistan Conflict of the 1980's during which the West backed Islamic militants who've come back to haunt them.

1,Indian : I'll hate your country, insult and degrade its people, and then question why it came into existence. I'll talk about your founding father in inappropriate terms overlooking the fact that one of mine was half naked 24/7 and the other made himself into a man whore to get ahead. I'll accuse your country of harboring militants overlooking the fact that thats exactly what I did in 1971. I'll ridicule your religion forgetting that drinking cow urine is holy in mine.

2,American : You bitches better catch Osama!

Pakistani : The same one you once paid, armed and supported? Him?


by Srinagarsheikh1234 November 5, 2009

104๐Ÿ‘ 174๐Ÿ‘Ž