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Standing over someone's shoulder while scrutinizing them as they work. In addition, watching (voyeuristically) while employees work from a distance.

I am sorry I did not send you the email, my boss was paraging me.

by beenparaged April 24, 2008

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Uncontrollable road rage that occurs during a parade or public assembly. The P is capitalized when the perpetrator is a public official.

The Lieutenant spewed uncontrollable parage when a minivan full of children pulled in front of his fire truck on the parade route.

by monkey137bfd November 29, 2012

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An act of deceiving someone, an act of shallow talks, hating spending money, incompetence, and impurity

He doesn't know anything; he always uses Paragism to get his work done.

by Ilham January 27, 2017

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Dirty Parag

The act in which an individual masturbates into their enemy’s shoe so that the person will have to walk around in a cummy shoe all day.

He banged my sister so I gave him a Dirty Parag.

by Motherdickbutt February 13, 2019


Is a Person's name typically for Indians and Parag Gets a lot of bitches.

Yo that guy is hangin out with 30 girls he prob a Parag

by LigmaBalez June 29, 2022


Party garage

We are hanging in the parage tonight.

by Lalagrace December 30, 2016