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Party Hard Syndrome

Party Hard syndrome

1. A Hangover

2. Extremely Drunk

3. Extremely High

Todd : Did you see James last night?
John: Yah, he had a serious case of Party Hard Syndrome
James: Uggg I got a huge hangover

Joan: You have Party Hard Syndrome babe
James: Well shit

by bisexualwithaopinion October 19, 2017

Tea Party Derangement Syndrome

A mental disorder for which symptoms include extreme paranoia about those who desire more freedom from a corrupt, oppressive government, fiscal responsibility and adherence to the Constitution.

May also include

Tea Party Derangement Syndrome

by Jiveslives April 25, 2014

764๐Ÿ‘ 139๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tea Party Derangement Syndrome (TPDS)

The acute onset of paranoia in Tea Party followers that cause them to mistrust their fellow Americans when they appear not to endorse their Far-Right ideals. This causes them to take a dualistic approach to those who disagree with them. Often leading them to never give the opposing side's opinions a chance in their minds

What the matter with that guy? All I did was state my view on the matter and they accused me of being a Socialist. Don't let it get to you they are suffering from Tea Party Derangement Syndrome (TPDS)

by Libertatis December 14, 2010

1287๐Ÿ‘ 19185๐Ÿ‘Ž

Little Cousin at the Party Syndrome

Common signs of LCPS are:
- Obstruction of views when gaming of any form (i.e. board games, video games, outside sports, etc.)
- General salt as a result of losing

- Believing they are the hottest shit ever when winning

- Tries desperately in an attempt to 1-up at everything
- Extreme asshole behavior

As the name implies, the symptoms of LCPS are exhibited by annoying, distantly related family members at family party/gatherings and it always results in the feeling of everyone at around the same age range (and higher in more extreme cases) being annoyed and wishing, or doing, physical harm upon that family member.

Across the world, LCPS is most common based on relative factors like holidays and the birthday's of family members. People with LCPS often experience flair ups and sometimes worsening symptoms (at the entire fault of their own).

If you or a love one has LCPS, please seek attention in a way that doesn't piss everyone off, or get a fucking hobby.

Jamal: "Me and another family member where playing Smash Bros and he smacked the controller out of my hand and I lost!"

Daniel: "That's a classic case Little Cousin at the Party Syndrome ngl."

by Holanimus Horsel March 5, 2024

party arm syndrome

Much like restless leg syndrome, party arm syndrome (PAS) causes the uncontrollable urge to shake and move your arms. Resulting in the appearance that you are having an awesome time at a party.

"Wow, Stan is an great dancer!"

"Actually, he just suffers from party arm syndrome."

"That's sad."
"And awesome."

by alcdance March 8, 2012

Party Syndrome

When a person always has a need to party

Im sorry sir, but you have been diagnosed with party syndrome

by swaggerforever4321 March 9, 2021

party syndrome

when you're at a party and think you have mad feelings for someone else and wake up the next morning feeling nothing at all about them

"I was serious about a relatiomship with Jenny last night but now I feel nothing"
"Dude, you got the party syndrome"
"Shit because I already told her we'd go on a date Friday"

by themadpooper January 6, 2015