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1. Slang for a cute little person...

A baby or woman hopefully.

2. Another word for butt nugget.

(See butt nugget)

1. Hey Peanut !

Come on over here and give Ronchi a hug.

(See Ronchi)

2. Oh man ! I got a peanut stuck to my ass.

by Dixie February 9, 2004

38πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž


Peanut is one of Jeff Dunham's puppets and is a purple woozle, with a small tuft of green hair on his head, and only one shoe. Peanut was made in Salem, Virginia. Unlike most of Jeff Dunham's puppets, Peanut's eyes and eyebrows are immobile. This allows for a greater range of motion for his head. Peanut also has a rod attached to his left elbow which Jeff operates to further the range of the puppet's movement. He is antagonistic towards JosΓ©, and points out his Mexican descent. Peanut is one of the first characters Dunham used for his shows, from the early 80's.

Peanut: What the hell is wrong with you? We cannot talk at the same time! I talk, you talk, I talk, you talk - THAT'S IT! Focus!

Peanut: I am so sick of this crap! I've tried going solo!

Jeff Dunham: And what happened?

Peanut: referring to the stand Kept falling off this frickin' thing, that's what happened.

by kimmyjuice January 3, 2009

9πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A person that gets so roasted, they become salty, like a peanut. the perfect metaphor.

"I roasted him so hard he was a peanut

by Roastmastah December 30, 2016

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A young Nigerian prince who was outcast from his fellow chocolate people. Most of the time is also pretty shit at Mario Kart (7). Thinks that a winning streak starts at one because he is an idiot. Young Boi

"Peanut, do you want to play Mario Kart?"
"Sure! I'll be sure to beat you this time Kimo!!"
"Yeah right, ratnew!"

by Penut12347 March 10, 2018

9πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Peanut is a smoking game, played by 4-X players. Everyone is required to bring their own weed. It starts with the first person (picked anyway you decide) they fill up the bowl with their own weed, then puff puff pass rules are followed throughout the whole game. when the bowl is emptied, the last person to take a hit refills it with their own weed, and the game continues. The last person to run out of weed is the winner and overall the highest of everyone.

(this game was thought of and ultimatly invented by Peanut....long live peanut!)

Person 1 : "Hey guys, lets throw a peanut party!"

Person 2 : "Yeah, and dont forget to bring your own "peanuts" ;) :-p"

Person 3 : "stupid gay joke...."

by JLF December 30, 2005

19πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


Someone who is says Dumb shit all the time

Damar: Yo I just figured out 9/11 was a set up
Adrain: you fucking peanut you need to stop watching those conspiracy videos

by Just-Vibe June 21, 2019

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


When someone nuts and urinates at the same time and everything within 45 centimeters will just vanish

β€œWhy is there a hole in the ground?”
β€œSomeone did a peanut.”
β€œOh, not again...”

by GrassiestOfTheGrassy July 27, 2021

4πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž