One who partakes in the worm on the regular and smokes a lot of weed.
The origins of this word are unknown and very few possess this vibe but those who do, snorfle the presence of everyone around them.
Peembis (peem-biss) (peemby, peem)
Some examples include:
The man wriggled like a peembis with extreme momentum and precision (the worm)
The man gleamed like a peem, he let out a scream, he was a silly little bean
The man sauntered with an overwhelming peemby energy
A play on of "beam me up, Scottie" which is a popular startrek quote, and pm (private message) me. It's used to ask the person to clarify the "tea" in private messages, but it can also be used as a way to indicate you two should talk in pm in general.
Note: a shorter, cuter, version is "peem me up"
Jessica: I have this gross story about Debbie... Only telling close friends tho
Close friend: peem me up, scottie. im ready to hear it